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长度是一个很好的暗示。Wordiness is a good indicator.

指标和声光报警。Audible and visual indicator alarm.

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他左手边的转向灯正在闪亮。His left-hand indicator is flashing.

修正对电池低电量报警太早的问题!Battery indicator turns on too early.

发达的腹肌。这是健康的一个标志。Muscular abs. An indicator of health.

插件的指示灯螺线管。Plug-in solenoid with indicator light.

将格线指示区拖曳到方格外。Drag the gridline indicator off the grid.

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我们可以将其称之为送奶工指标。We might call this the Milkman Indicator.

将指器装入把手中心。Install indicator into the center of handle.

基础平衡是一个二合一的指标。The basic balance is a two-in-one indicator.

黄金日线指标反弹至34区域。Gold daily indicator rebounded to 34 regional.

整平调节采用百分表读数。Straightener adjustment adopts dial indicator.

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在空速表上可以调整的指针。An adjustable pointer on the airspeed indicator.

每个指示符变量都必须单独命名。Each indicator variable must be individually named.

如果你阅读了这个邮件,这也是个有用的暗示。If you actually read it, that's a useful indicator.

只要指示灯亮了就应该没有问题的。As long as the indicator light should be no problem.

肯定的是,您有一个低电池电量指示灯。Be sure that you have a low battery indicator light.

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芒箕骨是酸性土指示植物,繁殖快,抗逆性强。Dicranopteris is the plant indicator for acid soils.

糖铁特有的转辙器与进路指示器。A route switch with route indicator of cane railways.

其中一个就是水体中的钙和霰石的水平。One indicator is the levels of calcium and aragonite.