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第四,A1级不燃材料。Grade A1 incombustible materials.

通过中国不燃材料的A级认定。Approved by china incombustible material and got a grade rating.

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气体压力试验时,必须用空气或其他无毒、可燃气体介质进行预试验。Prior to the air pressure test, a trial test shall be carried out using air or other nontoxic and incombustible gas.

该不燃轻质墙板特别适合作为一种建造高层建筑的内隔墙的墙板。Said invented incombustible light wall plate specially is suitable for internal partition panel for high-rise building.

工业垃圾的热能利用主要存在高温腐蚀和不可燃物排出两个重大问题。Corrosion under high temperature and removing incombustible are important problems in heat utilization of industrial garbage.

该投保住宅地点是由砖、石或三合土建成,屋顶用三合土、瓦砖或其他不能燃烧的物料盖搭。The insured situation is built of brick stone concrete and is roofed with concrete, slate tile or other incombustible material.

该投保住宅地点是由砖、石或三合土建成,屋顶用三合土、瓦砖或其他不能燃烧的物料盖塔。The insured situation is built of brick stone concrete and is roofed with concrete, slate tile or other incombustible material.

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通风管采用镀锌钢板制作,风管与风井连接处缝隙应用不燃材料填实。Ventilating tubes are made of galvanized steel plate, the gap between the joint of air tube and air well should be filled with incombustible materials.

可燃成分是指煤中的挥发分和固定碳,它们是产生热量的来源,而其中不可燃成分为灰分和水分等。The combustible composition implies the volatile and fixed carbon, which is the source of generating heat. The incombustible part contains water and dust, etc.

本建议描述用不可燃材料来保护电缆的方法,并提供关于密封材料的分类和特性的资料。This Recommendation describes the protection of cables by means of incombustible materials and provides information on the classification and characteristics of the sealing materials.

因此,在冠脉血运重建时,氢气吸入将成为一种减轻缺血再灌注损伤的非常有希望的措施。Inhalation of H2 gas at incombustible levels during ischemia and reperfusion reduces infarct size without altering hemodynamic parameters, thereby preventing deleterious left ventricular remodeling.