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文学的本质是形象。Literature is, by nature, imaginal.

她用尽一切想得到的办法阻止她们控告。She tried all imaginal ways to prevent a prosecution.

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四是通过形象思维,激发学生的学习兴趣。In addition, the teacher can improve the interest of students through imaginal thinking.

儿童思维的发展,应该使抽象思维和形象思维同样地得到良好的发展。So, it's necessary to develop equally both children's abstract thinking and imaginal thinking.

目的回顾性分析脑膜瘤X刀治疗后的临床及影像学变化。Objective To analyze the imaginal and clinical changes of meningioma after the treatment with X-knife.

发展思维,尤其是发展形象思维,对于道德品质的形成有着十分重要的意义。Evolving thinking, especial imaginal thinking, has great significance in the formation of moral character.

心理旋转研究的结果有力地支持将表象看作一种独立的心理表征的观点。The result of study into mental rotation supported the Imaginal representation as a special representation effectively.

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布鲁姆告诉我们,这个宇宙是类似于莎士比亚科尔宾的“意象境界”的苏菲,灵魂或灵魂的地方。Bloom shows us that this Shakespearean cosmos is analogous to Corbin's "Imaginal Realm" of the Sufis, the place of soul or souls.

第四章论述朱光潜晚年对传统美学人生意蕴的展望和形象思维方式的沉思。The fourth chapter states Zhu Guangqian's prospects of life significance and ponderation of imaginal thinking in his later years.

胡风的小说批评就整体而言具有比较明显的感性特色,这说明胡风在从事文学批评时,其形象思维仍然保持一定的活跃性。Hu Feng's Fiction Criticism had obvious perceptual features as a whole, which indicated his active imaginal thinking in literary criticism.

一部中国通俗小说史,在一定意义上说,是一部生动的、形象的、细腻的“心史”,是一部人民大众审美化的灵魂史。To a certain extent, a history of chinese popular fiction is a vivid, imaginal and minute" history of mind" , a people′ s aesthetic" history of soul".

在地理要素空间的多种联结关系中获得形象逻辑思维的能力,是地理教学的重要一环。It is important to get the ability of the imaginal thinking in the linking of different relationship of geographical space elements in geography teaching.

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抗甲基化载体蛋白可溶性成虫抗原抗体检测CSA的敏感度显著增高。The sensitivity to detect CSA of the antiserum, which was from methylating carrier protein immunization in soluble imaginal antigen, enhanced significantly.

平面构成作为设计专业的基础课程,重在培养学生的形象思维能力和设计创造能力。Plane composition , as the basic course of design speciality, mainly cultivate students ' imaginal thinking capability and devisable and creative capability.

翅原基是家蚕成虫盘之一,位于第2和第3胸节的两侧,分别发育为成虫的前后翅。The wing disc is one of the imaginal discs of the silkworm, which locates the two sides of the 2nd and 3rd thoracic section and grows separately into adult wing.

认为其主要表现在凝炼美、形象美、均衡美以及音乐美四个方面。The author thinks that language beauty of English-Chinese sayings have mainly embodied the condensed beauty. the balanced beauty, imaginal beauty, the music beauty and so on.

如果说奇妙的幻想性足以令人赏心悦目,那么书中那充满诗意和机敏的戏剧语言又更使人流连往返了。If marvelous imaginal sufficiently pleasant, then in the book that filled the poetic sentiment and the resourceful play language causes the stream of people company to go and return.

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历史思维是关于历史学的特殊思维形式与认识方法,是形象思维、逻辑思维、直觉思维三者的综合。Historical thinking is a special mode of thinking and a way of knowledge about historical science. And it is a synthesis of imaginal thinking, logical thinking and intuitional thinking.

诗乃是一种别于思的特殊言说方式,它是言说者自身的言志和抒情。Poetry is a special form of speech, which reflects the speakers own ideals and emotions, and a pre-logical speech, which is characterized by brevity, implicitness and imaginal thinking.

相似模块变换设计法的设计过程形象,方法简单一致,有其独特的优越性。This design method of the transformation of similar modular blocks is characterized by the imaginal designing procedures, simple and consistent method, and particular advantage as well.