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此外,他还肩负马龙礼教会法庭的领导工作。He also led the Maronite Tribunal.

每个裁判所由两名法官组成。Each tribunal consists of two judges.

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那事件已送呈上一级法庭裁决。The matter has been remitted to a higher tribunal.

仲裁庭裁定不给予任何损害赔偿。The tribunal decided against awarding any damages.

战后盟军法庭公布的死亡人数为142000人。A post-war Allied tribunal put the death toll at 142,000.

通常的模式是,在审评庭上举行公开听证。A typical model features an open hearing before the tribunal.

仲裁庭依循法律规定作出裁判。The tribunal shall decide on the basis of respect for the law.

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裁判庭到时将裁决他是否适宜获得赔偿。The tribunal will then decide if he's eligible for compensation.

此外,该科也为内幕交易审裁处提供律师。The division also provides counsel to the Insider Dealing Tribunal.

仲裁庭一般由三名仲裁员组成。An arbitral tribunal shall be normally made up of three arbitrators.

我们的人民在国际法庭上战斗时是非常勇敢的。Our people are bravely fighting for us at the international tribunal.

是否延期,由仲裁庭决定。The arbitration tribunal shall decide whether to postpone the hearing.

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劳资审裁处审理有关雇佣合约的申索。The Labour Tribunal handles claims arising from contracts of employment.

成文法典赋于法庭权力与责任。The powers and duties are confered on the tribunal by the statutory code.

各州没有追索权,只能坐待高级法院的判决。The states had no recourse but to await the verdict of the high tribunal.

我想我得告知审判团,就说我怀疑你是英国的间谍。I think I will inform the Tribunal that I suspect you of spying for England.

劳资审裁处审理与雇佣合约有关的民事申索。The Labour Tribunal hears civil claims arising from contracts of employment.

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该仲裁庭的裁决是终局的,对双方均具有约束力。The award made by the Tribunal shall be final and binding upon both parities.

本周,前红色高棉政权之审开庭。THE tribunal to try former Khmers Rouges began its real proceedings this week.

战争结束后,海德格尔被去纳粹化的特别法庭禁止教学。After the war Heidegger was banned by a de-Nazification tribunal from teaching.