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诱惑是什么?What is temptation?

您应当抵制这种诱惑。You should resist the temptation.

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由于诱惑所犯的通奸罪。The temptation to commit adultery.

我几乎抵挡不住诱惑。I can hardly resist the temptation.

我需要省察我的心不致陷入试探。My mind needs a guard from temptation.

这一段是讲述诱惑的。The verse is talking about temptation.

冷漠不动,令诱惑难以近身。Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow.

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我经受不住那样的诱惑。I was overwhelmed by such a temptation.

抗拒它等于强化了它,这事在试探上特别真确。This is especially true with temptation.

那些让你逃避试探的事,必须尽力去做。Do whatever you must to avoid temptation.

他没能经住诱惑。He failed to struggle against temptation.

诱惑与他的良心作斗争。The temptation warred with his conscience.

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有谁能抵制睡懒觉的诱惑呢?Who can resist the temptation to sleep in?

我抵不住诱惑买了下来。I couldn't resist the temptation to buy it.

是的,她们有恶魔的诱惑。Yes, they have the temptation of the devil.

我抵不住诱惑,吸了一支烟。I gave in to temptation and had a cigarette.

有一种诱惑会导致过度投资There's a temptation to oversell investments.

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这一点对于很多空中飞人来说,是个很大的诱惑。This is a lot of trapeze is a big temptation.

诱惑着每一个心存公主梦的女孩!The temptation of every be princess dream girl!

诱惑在与他的良心进行斗争。The temptation was warring with his conscience.