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平安始终相依相伴。Peace is always relational.

关系数据是规则且同构的。Relational data is regular and homogeneous.

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毕竟,数据库仍是关系型的。After all, the database is still relational.

您将创建两个关联记录列表。You will create two Relational Record lists.

RXDB支持统一的关系用户语言RQL。RXDB supports a unified relational language RQL.

利用关系昵称关联信息Correlating information with relational nicknames

它的确是功能丰富的关系型数据库。It's a truly rich functional relational data store.

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它是关系数据库的可扩展性部分。It is the extensibility part of relational databases.

存储库由一个关系数据库提供后端支持。The repository is back-ended by a relational database.

因此相关联隐性知识也将永远伴随着我们。Relational tacit knowledge will also always be with us.

能够在关系结构中存储半结构化数据吗?Can you store semi-structured data in relational structures?

用户信息可存储在任何一个关系型数据库。Any relational database can be used to store user information.

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方法采用RSR法与灰色关联分析法。Methods RSR combined with grey relational analysis was applied.

面向文档的数据库和关系数据库之间的区别Differences between a document-oriented and a relational database

这是个简单、效的对象-关系映射工具。Cartographer is a simple, efficient object relational mapper engine.

这里有一个对象关系映射程序,它是一块隐藏的宝石。There is an object relational mapper out there that is a hidden gem.

暴露关系列有助于有效地查询这个视图。Exposing the relational columns helps to query this view efficiently.

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第一章是绪论,总述了一下本论文的方法。First, we introduce the relational approach of the thesis in general.

关系数据系统中的数据模式,特别是子模式。A data schema, especially a data subschema in a relational data system.

关系逻辑是一门古老而又年轻的逻辑学科。Relational logic is an old as well as young subject in the logic studies.