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亚洲的艺术,在文体上较近于物质的、永恒的、本质的、外在的部份。Asian art is stylistically nearer to physical, eternal, internal and external.

设计上考虑为一个“回阳台”船民,风格,它的不错的前瞻性。Design Considerations For a "back porch" boat, stylistically it's pretty good looking.

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尽管,它在风格上和我在尖塔里研究过的文字有些类似。Although, stylistically it's similar to these glyphs I've been studying from the Spire.

文体的复低截获概率有一些不同的设计元素相比较,其非混合兄弟姐妹。Stylistically , the Forte LPI has some different design elements when compared to its non-hybrid siblings.

事实上他是很难被归类的摄影家之一,只是以满足自我的创作愿望而存在。The fact that he was difficult to categorize stylistically was a source of satisfaction for Tress himself.

它可以风格相对应的防御工事,从咏叹调和巴克特里亚从第一世纪和公元前行政长官。It can stylistically be compared to fortifications from Aria and Bactria from the first centuries BCE and CE.

麦卡锡先生小心翼翼地构建着这种辩证对立,只是让我们放下其行文上的眩彩,而抓住其显而易见的重要结论。Mr. McCarthy carefully builds this dialectic only to let us down with a stylistically dazzling but facile conclusion.

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他的诗歌以朴实的语言,传统的形式,现代的思想,多层次的意义结构形成独特的风格。With simple language, traditional forms, modern ideas and multi-structure of meanings, his poetry is stylistically unique.

这是没有任何教条的集体行动,大家能走到一起,既因为我们共同反对的事物,也因为我们文体上的相似。This was collective action without dogma, perhaps brought together as much by we didn't like as what we shared stylistically.

对我而言,她以鞋子等物件作瀑布状的位置关系处理,与中国传统挂轴画的形式相得益彰。Stylistically , I find mesmerizing the cascade of shoes, reminiscent in its shaping of waterfalls or other icons of traditional Chinese wall-hangings.

设计负有密切相似的gt-r原型显示,在2005年的东京车展上,并反过来,有许多共通之风格,与2001年的gt-r概念。The design bears a close resemblance to the GT-R Proto shown at the 2005 Tokyo Show and, in turn, has much in common stylistically with the 2001 GT-R Concept.

对于任何文体的引人入胜、语义复杂的文本—包括大多数值得在另一种语言中表达出来的东西---非得由人进行翻译不可。Human translators will always be necessary for any text that is stylistically appealing and semantically complex – which includes most of what is worth communicating in another language.

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对于任何问题引人入胜、语意复杂的文本――包括大多数值得在另一种语言中表达出来的东西,非得由人进行翻译不可。Human translations will always be necessary, for any text that is stylistically appealing and semantically complex – which includes most of what is worth communicating in another language.

特征线旁的汽车在间谍杆不同的火花,然而,这表明它的规模和可能的帮助差异来区别这两个风格。Character lines along the side of the car in the spy shots are different from the spark, however, indicating its size difference and possible helping to differentiate the two stylistically.

歌词讲的是发生在24小时以内的一次分手的故事,与另一首比这有名得多的歌曲很像,那就是同样是保罗写的在“救命”专辑里的“昨日”,尽管在曲风上两首歌截然不同。The lyrics deal with a breakup that happened in the last 24 hours, much like another, far more famous Paul track off "Help!", "Yesterday". Stylistically though, the songs are very different.

辛弃疾虽然没有留下词论、诗论或文论一类的专门理论著作,但是他有着自己的文学理论思想。In Xin Qiji's ci-poetry there are some unique works, which are quite different stylistically from many other writers of the ci-poetry, in that there exist animatedly human beings in these works.

自二十世纪下半叶,直至现今二十一世纪,作家都在努力思考在现代主义影响,深远的这个时期里该怎样进行文体上的创新。In the second half of the twentieth century and up now into the twenty-first century, writers were thinking very hard about what to do stylistically with all the innovations that come in that powerful period known as modernism.