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您患的是急性结膜炎。You have got acute conjunctivitis.

您患的是急性传染性结膜炎。You have acute injective conjunctivitis.

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流涎,鼻炎,结膜炎和口腔糜烂。Salivation, Rhinitis, conjunctivitis and oral erosions.

它可以取救济两种结膜炎和青光眼。It can fetch relief in both conjunctivitis and glaucoma.

这种眼药水对治疗结膜炎很有效。These eyedrops are very effective in treating conjunctivitis.

这种由阿托品引起的结膜炎,可用抗组胺类药物控制。Antihistaminic agents may control the atropine conjunctivitis.

结膜炎伴有滤泡怎样用药?。Does conjunctivitis companion have follicular how to use drug?

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土霉素用于治疗结膜炎另一种药物。Terramycin is another medication used to treat conjunctivitis.

主要有两种类型的结膜炎过敏性和传染性。There are two main types of conjunctivitis allergic and infective.

病毒性结膜炎可以蔓延到角膜,白色的眼睛。Viral conjunctivitis can spread to the cornea, the white of the eye.

结论氧氟沙星滴眼液治疗新生儿眼结膜炎临床疗效较好。Conclusion Ofloxacin eyedrop has better effect on neonate eye conjunctivitis.

结膜炎及疮毒等具有很好的消炎解毒的作用。Conjunctivitis and sore and so has a good anti-inflammatory role of detoxification.

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病毒性结膜炎也是眼表粘膜的一种感染。Viral conjunctivitis is an infection of the mucous membrane of the surface of the eye.

儿童过敏性结膜炎以春季角结膜炎为主。Most patients with allergic conjunctivitis in children are vernal keratoconjunctivitis.

此外,用于眼用制剂时,可治疗结膜炎、砂眼等眼疾。Moreover, when it was used as eyewash agent, it could treat conjunctivitis and sand holes.

目的探讨1997年夏深圳地区暴发流行的急性咽结膜炎的病毒病原学。Objective To study the viral etiology of acute conjunctivitis broke out in Shenzhen in 1997.

麻疹病例定义为发烧、发疹伴以咳嗽、流涕或结膜炎等一种或多种症状。A measles case was defined as fever and rash and one or more of cough, coryza or conjunctivitis.

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目的探讨氧氟沙星滴眼液治疗新生儿眼结膜炎的临床效果。Objective To investigate the clinical effect of ofloxacin eyedrop in neonates eye conjunctivitis.

给我来一瓶氯霉素和氧氟沙星眼药水,能治结膜炎的。Give me a bottke of Chkoromycetinand one bottke of Ofkoxacin eye drop, appkicabke for conjunctivitis.

细菌性结膜炎是一种影响眼表粘膜的微生物感染。Bacterial conjunctivitis is a microbial infection involving the mucous membrane on the surface of the eye.