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茶和中国是形异而义同的,中国当然是一个无可辩驳的茶的国了。"Tea and China are almost synonymous terms, It is indisputably the land of tea".

但按照现在的形式,这种“漂亮比赛”则不容置疑是源自英国。In its modern form, however, the "beautiful game”is indisputably English in origin.

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这个错误可以理解,因为这两种现象无疑是相关的。The error is understandable, because the two phenomena are indisputably correlated.

奥巴马面临着艰难的抉择,也许他是希望他的选择可以更公开。The choices are indisputably difficult, and Mr. Obama may be trying to keep his options open.

持续不断的血战,将不容置疑地回答这个问题。The bloody events of the ongoing war would indisputably provide an answer to that speculation.

虽然日光室的石膏壁炉环绕无疑是有色黑色的,这仅仅是为了掩盖烟尘。Although the sunroom's plaster fireplace surround is indisputably tinted black, that's only to hide soot.

在国足的圈子里头,米卢毫无争议地是拍广告经验最丰富的一位。In the circle inside enough, summoning indisputably , the greatest wealth of experience is a film advertising.

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Wakayama的研究团队所克隆的老鼠是一些已经被冷冻了数年的、细胞已遭到损坏的老鼠。Wakayama's team dug out some mice that had been kept frozen for years and whose cells were indisputably damaged.

因此,纳弗沙成为美国属地,不完全是美国领土,但毋庸置疑的属于美国。Consequently, Navassa became an American " appurtenance" — not quite a territory but still indisputably American.

他无容置疑地提升了篮球在中国的影响力,但他的存在和这种影响力的提升并不足以把海外大把大把的钞票带给球队。And while he indisputably raised basketball’s profile in China, his presence and profile wasn’t enough to deliver big overseas bucks to the team.

然而,尽管他毫无争议是历史上最积极、最有影响力的副总统,但感知和现实之间还是有一定差距。Yet even though he was indisputably the most active and influential vice president in history, there was still a gap between perception and reality.

但是尽管如此,罗斯特作为一位让政治和新闻还原本面目的无可争议大师对于权利拉杆和操纵深情底理。But regardless, he was indisputably the master of politics and journalism as they are, intimately familiar with the levers of power and how they are wielded.

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另外本人对外语有深入研究,能操良好法语、日语和泰语,籍此可令学生掌握外语学习的窍门。My proficiency in 5 foreign languages including French, Japanese and Thai indisputably means my ability to help students get the hang of foreign language learning.

不久的将来,中国锦鲤也一定能像中国金鱼一样,在国际市场上占有一席之地,创造更多的商业价值。Just as Chinese goldfish, Chinese koi fish will indisputably take a certain share of the international market and bring more business opportunities in the coming future.

古陶瓷修复是文物修复界首推难度最大、质量要求最高的一门绝活,在一些文博单位仍是一项薄弱环节。Ancient ceramics repair is restoration bounded indisputably most difficult, the quality requirements, the highest door skills, in some superiority unit is still a weak links.

由安德鲁斯先生提议为女士们干杯。鉴于在座代表毫无置疑都是些已进入不惑之年的丰满女流,他表现得非常殷勤有礼。It fell to Mr Andrews to propose the toast to the ladies, which in view of the fact that the representatives present were indisputably fair, fat and forty, he managed very graciously.

将神的解体和人性的回归确立为小说形成的第一要则,十八世纪的小说中,个人主义无可争议地取代了以往的英雄主义和理想主义。The detachment of deity and the return of human nature are set as the first principle of novel forming. In novels of 18th century, individualism indisputably replaces heroism and idealism.

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毋庸置疑的是,为了保卫喀拉昆仑公路,几千名解放军正驻扎在新疆边境的红其拉普关卡,这些士兵目前正在几处地方进行修整。Several thousand PLA troops are indisputably stationed in the Khunjerab Pass on the Xinjiang border to protect the Karakoram highway, which PLA soldiers are now repairing in several places.