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我不知道康德之崇高指的是什么。I didn’t know what the Kantian sublime was.

康德哲学之主旨乃是对人的能力之探究。It is the center of Kantian philosophy to explore the human ability.

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我那时还真不知道康德式的盲目到底是个什么东西。Maybe related to Key lime. I didn’t know what the Kantian sublime was.

康德美学是西方美学发展史上的一座里程碑。Kantian aesthetics is a milestone in the history of western aesthetics.

康德哲学的范畴与亚里士多德哲学的范畴的不同在于其主观性。The Kantian categories differ from those of Aristotle in being subjective.

罗尔斯的做法,是诉诸一个康德式的对公平式正义的诠释。Rawls's solution is to appeal to a Kantian interpretation of justice as fairness.

这第二个版本比第一对康德的批评显得是更少脆弱。This second version appears to be less vulnerable to Kantian criticisms than the first.

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只有在这方面的思想里,康德哲学才算达到了思辨的高度。It is in these apercus alone that the Kantian philosophy rises to the speculative height.

在这一点上,约翰·格雷把哈耶克重新拉回到康德的“物自身”的言述轨道是不合适的。In this regard, when John Gray interprets Hayek in terms of the Kantian 'thing-in-itself', he does impropriety.

康得的范畴是任何一般客体的表像的特徵,在它被经验到之前。Kantian category is a characteristic of the appearance of any object in general, before it has been experienced.

海德格尔对康德实践哲学的解读是他阐释康德哲学的重要组成部分。Heidegger's interpretation of Kantian practical philosophy is an important part of his interpretation of Kantian philosophy.

在德国古典历史哲学的发展中,费希特上继康德的传统,下开黑格尔的先河。In the development of the classical historical philosophy in Germany, Fitchte inherited Kantian tradition and initiated Hegel.

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这三方面的假设都是以康德哲学的“目的王国”及理性的实践主体作为其理论前提的。In any case, these three suppositions are grounded in the conceptions of "the realm of ends"and rational beings in Kantian philosophy.

在本文的第二部分,就对道义论的概念、发展阶段及具体内容和康德的道义论进行了介绍。In chapter 2, I make an introduction of the concept of the deontology, its development phases, detailed contents and Kantian"s deontology."

康德关于“美的艺术”的理论不仅触及了艺术的本质因,也协调了他在对美作纯粹分析时提出的看似矛盾的理论。Kantian esthetical art only touches the essence of art, but also coordinates his theory which appears to be contradictory when he analyzed esthetics.

你最后一段话让它很清楚的告诉我,本雅明的工作是基本上一个大杂烩,从康德的批判理性一直到更新的理论。Your last paragraph made it very clear to me that Benjamin's work is basically a hodgepodge from Kantian rationality through to more updated theories.

康德关于“美的艺术”的理论不仅触及了艺术的本质因,也协调了他在对美作纯粹分析时提出的看似矛盾的理论。Kantian esthetical art not only touches the essence of art, but also coordinates his theory which appears to be contradictory when he analyzed esthetics.

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康德先验哲学“哥白尼式革命”的主旨是反实体主义的思维方式,但为一次不成功的尝试。The leitmotiv of Kantian transcendental philosophy's Copernicus style revolution is a mode of thinking of anti-substantialism, but this is an unsuccessful try.

如果把勒维纳斯的反思作为基础补充到康德的思想空间中去,是否会像勒维纳斯所期待的那样带来永久的和平?If we add Levinasian reflection as a fundament into the space of Kantian thought, is it possible that this would bring us perpetual peace as Levinas once expected?

这导致他的“康德式构成主义”,向黑格尔的观点靠近,在这一点上,马克思奠定了他对普遍的、社会先验的正义原则的拒斥。This brings his ' Kantian constructivism' closer to the Hegelian view, on which Marx bases his rejection of universal, socially transcendent principles of justice.