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谢丽尔·霍普伍德是否有理由?Does Cheryl Hopwood have a case?

杰克和谢丽尔住在宾馆的506房。Jack and Cheryl live in Room 506.

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心心冰块很得柔柔喜爱。Cheryl likes these heart ice cubes.

谢丽尔·霍普伍德的权利被侵犯了吗?Is Cheryl Hopwood's right violated?

幸好谢丽儿没有听她的话。Luckily, Cheryl didn't listen to her.

谢丽儿绝吃不出区别。Cheryl will never know the difference.

看看谢丽尔·科尔和塔纳·拉姆齐吧。Just look at Cheryl Cole and Tana Ramsay.

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我永远也不会取下我雪洛儿-提格丝的海报。I'll never take down my Cheryl Tiegs poster.

当谢丽儿问起“你干嘛偷我食谱?”When Cheryl asks, "Why did you steal my recipe?"

杰克回到房间时,发现谢丽尔不在屋里。Jack doesn't see Cheryl when he comes back the room.

谢里尔,这是我昨天向你借的一块钱。Cheryl here’s the buck I borrowed from you yesterday.

谢丽尔总是跟我说,那就像小舞台上的一出戏。Cheryl used to tell me it was like acting, on a tiny stage.

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而谢丽尔对此也深信不疑,乔是她心目中永远的英雄。And Cheryl have also convinced Joe is a hero in her mind forever.

谢丽尔也没空儿,她要帮他搞那笔短期贷款。Cheryl is not free either because she will help him get the loan.

我问Cheryl,她是否认为在性那一方面我值得人爱。I asked Cheryl whether she thought I deserved to be loved sexually.

像谢丽儿•琼森这样的卖家永远在寻找新的“港湾”。Sellers like Cheryl Johnsen are looking permanently for new shores.

没有泄气,Cheryl开始抚摸我,抓搔我,缓缓地吻我。Undismayed, Cheryl began to stroke me, scratch me, and kiss me slowly.

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在这段艰辛时间里,谢丽尔希望媒体能尊重她的隐私。Cheryl asks the media to respect her privacy during this difficult time.

谢丽尔吐了一次又一次,必须替她一次次地收拾。Cheryl vomits every now and then. He has to clean out what she disgorges.

Cheryl的母亲在她13岁的时候死于心脏病,当时才47岁。Cheryl's mother died of a heart attack at age 47, when Cheryl was just 13.