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没被注意到的损坏可能造成火灾。Unnoticed damage could lead to a fire.

真正的上师很可能继续不为人知。The True Guru is likely to remain unnoticed.

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年复一年,我存于期间却默默无闻。Year after year here lives me but unnoticed.

这些事情不太引人注意。And yet these things go relatively unnoticed.

我悄悄地溜出房间,无人察觉。I slipped from the room unseen, ie unnoticed.

若将这匙盐巴放到湖水里,就几乎感觉不出什麽了。A spoon of salt in a lake is almost unnoticed.

蒙陶克。凯恩,我们的工作是无法被忽视的!Montague Keen, our work does not go unnoticed !

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也许我可以神不知鬼不觉地溜进教室。Perhaps I can sneak out of the classroom unnoticed.

迈克尔•菲尔普斯“溜进”北京,竟然没被发现。Michael Phelps sneaked into Beijing almost unnoticed.

这一方法揭露了一些很可能在忽视中溜走的案例。This method unmasked cases that could have gone unnoticed.

近来,私房菜开始在北京悄悄流行起来。Recently, home-cooked meals has a popularity unnoticed in Beijing.

大卫就起来,悄悄地割下扫罗外袍的衣襟。Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul's robe.

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假设他们只是再得一个宝宝的话,这件事变也会悄无声气地过去的。If they had only had one child, the fact would have passed unnoticed.

忽略有意地忽视或置之不问或不理。To disregard intentionally or allow to pass unnoticed or unmentioned.

那些过去没被注意的支持者正一批批被发掘出来.Pockets of support that might have gone unnoticed can be ferreted out.

这是一场展示革命,它的发生似乎几乎没有被人注意到。It's a display revolution that seems to have occurred almost unnoticed.

机会无处不在,但经常在人们的忽略中消失。Opportunities are present all the time, but often they go by unnoticed.

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我感觉我像个幽灵,漫无目的的飘荡在这个世界上,孤零零的没有人在意。I remember feeling like a ghost, drifting through the waking world unnoticed.

在我们不经意间留下了多少的记忆是另人惊讶的。It's surprising how much of memory is buit around things unnoticed at the time.

这个事实看似简单,却不为人所注意。The seemingly simple fact of being aware of one's own existence goes unnoticed.