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没有一线希望了。There is no gleam of hope.

竟然像血光一样闪烁!You gleam indeed like blood!

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月光把海水照得像绸子一般。Moon lights made the sea gleam like satin.

我们能看到远处灯塔忽隐忽现的闪光。We can see the gleam of a distant lighthouse.

他的圆脸似乎总是明光铮亮的。His round face always seemed to gleam slightly.

微弱的光线从半开的门里射出来.A gleam of light shone through the party opend door.

她立刻打断了他的话,眼里闪出了快乐的光。She interrupted him with a gleam of joy in her eyes.

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“我喜欢水晶玻璃制品的b,”贝西说。“I like the gleam of crystal glassware ,” said Bessie.

一丝绿里带黄的光芒乍闪即逝,接着又一丝。An elusive greenish-yellow gleam flashes, then another.

在他嘲笑的眼神中,她的声音慢慢低下去。Her voice faded away at the sardonic gleam in his eyes.

来自一个路灯的微弱闪光引起我的注意,而且我喘气。A gleam from a streetlight caught my eyes, and I gasped.

威力减弱的暗淡阳光从树叶间洒下来。A pale gleam of tempered sunlight fell through the leaves.

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手电筒射出一道道光束,在墙上晃动。Flashlights shot streaks of gleam up and down at the walls.

“在这个地方野餐简直太妙了,”格格利亚.格利姆说。This is a wonderful place for a picnic,' said Gloria Gleam.

黑暗中,我们看到从那个小屋射出来的一束微光。Through the darkness we saw a small gleam from the cottage.

柯帕伍德的眼睛里突然透露出胜利的庄严的光芒来。A magnificent gleam of triumph sprang into Cowper-wood's eye.

畏惧暴风的心啊,这雨到了明天O faint-of-heart, storm-beaten, this rain will gleam tomorrow

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好,我就是布林克斯利。米尔斯。我还有一个名字叫格格利亚。Well, I'm Brinksley Meers, and my other name is Gloria Gleam.

“这真是个野餐的好地方啊!”格洛利亚•格利姆说。"This is a wonderful place for a picnic, " said Gloria Gleam.

我们希望头顶开阔豁亮,而不只有一线天。We hope we can see an open view overhead , not just a gleam of sky.