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EFT仅仅是保持忙碌的活动,旨在保持焦点。EFT is merely a keep busy activity designed to hold focus.

本文介绍方波信号发生器及场效应管驱动器的原理与设计。The concept of square wave and EFT drive unit are introduced in this paper.

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此文章是介绍情绪释放法的第一部分。This article is part 1 of a 2-part tutorial describing the EFT tapping process.

水蜥被考虑是一个安全的,可靠的,和方便的方法处理生意。EFT is considered to be a safe, reliable, and convenient way to conduct business.

我将会继续结合视觉、事实和EFT使用磁带。I may continue to use my tape in conjunction with vision boards, affirmations and EFT.

开始EFT和ho’oponopono疗法后的第一个好睡眠my first good night sleep since I started the healing process of EFT and ho’oponopono.

电子转账系统应该使用这些记录程序运行投资者在同一时间对比赛报告。EFT systems should use these records to run end-of-day procedures at the same time to match reports.

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中国的极左政治催生了一批职业文化杀手,姚文元无疑是其中最狠毒的一个。The ultra-L eft politics in China hastened the deliveries of a gang of cultural professional killers.

现在我们已经对情绪释放法工作的原理有了基本的了解,下面我们来学习具体的操作流程。Now that we have a basic understanding of how EFT works, we can learn how to do the actual tapping procedure.

在国家EFT网站上有一篇文章,建议在具体的记忆找不到时,“拼凑起一个记忆”。A past article on the national EFT web site suggested "making up a memory" when a specific memory cannot be found.

当处理一个清晰具体的记忆时,可以容易地走进创伤的感受,那么EFT作用则非常有效。EFT works extremely well when dealing with a clear specific memory with easily accessed feelings associated with it.

要有效地使用EFT的关键在于这个人处理关于这件事的能量紊乱的能力。The key to EFT being effective is the person's ability to tune into the energy disturbance associated with an issue.

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抑制各种感性负载切换或各种瞬间噪声在电路板中产生的EFT和浪涌电压。Suppression of Inductive Switching or Other Transient Events Such as EFT and Surge Voltage at the Circuit Board Level.

情绪释放法即通过负面回忆或体会自己的感受来故意激活能量系统的混乱。EFT works by intentionally activating an energy disturbance by thinking about a painful memory or just feeling your feelings.

在此基础上研制了一台以开关电源作为高压直流电源、以氢闸流管作为主控开关的脉冲群电源。HV EFT generator is developed, which adopts switching mode power supply as HV DC power supply and hydrogen thyratron as switch.

它更快,并且比传统EFT效果更好,至少对我来说是这样。大多数人易犯的错误是因为EFT的表面效果而忽视它。It's faster, and it works better than classic EFT, at least for me. The mistake most people make is they dismiss EFT because of how it looks.

本文介绍了一种集成汽车定位导航,防盗报警,故障诊断的汽车信息服务系统。This paper introduces a vehicle information service system that integrate the projects like orientation & navigation, anti- th eft & alarm, trouble diagnosis.

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遗憾的是,这其中的方法和细节已经超过了本迷你课程的范畴,但好消息是,通过情绪释放法很轻松就可以做到。Unfortunately, it is beyond the scope of this mini e-course to get into the details of how to do that, but the good news is that it can be accomplished quite readily with EFT.

我们使用中医铸山煮海的按摩、穴位疗法和情感释放尊古卑今术EFT,专注于调理慢性病痛以及舒解各种压力引起的身心不适。We specialize in treating chronic pain and stress using the Emotional Freedom Technique EFT and Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM modalities, including acupuncture and massage.