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哪个故事?Which story?

小丘故事。Hillock story.

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我的爱情故事?My love story?

一言难尽。说来话长。It's a long story.

传说如此。So the story goes.

这个故事的寓意?Moral of the story?

她知道这个故事。She knew the story.

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铁砧的故事。The Story of Anvil.

长话短说,Y!Long story short, Y!

你的故事深深地打动了我。Your story slays me.

约汉说了一个故事给我听。John told me a story.

丿个有故事的女孒。The story of à woman.

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也许又一个浴火重生的故事。Perhaps another story.

那个故事是虚构的。The story was made-up.

然后,我告诉了我的故事.Then, I told my story.

四人一组自学故事。There is a story book.

他的故事听起来可疑。His story sounds fishy.

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这是一个哀婉的爱情故事。It is a sad love story.

解放自我的故事。My Story of Liberation.

从那里我读出了它的经历。There I read the story.