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碗橱门砰然响了一声。Cupboard doors thud.

他砰的一声把它墩在桌子上。He put it on the table with a thud.

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棺材合上时发出一声闷响。The coffin closed with a dull thud.

轰一声关上门。Then I closed the door with a thud.

他们嘭得一声落了地。They fell onto a field with a thud.

我从粉红色的云彩堕下,掷地有声。I fell off my pink cloud with a thud.

正当他往前冲时,他听到一阵咣当当的重击声。As he rushed, he heard a sickening crash and a thud.

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迈尔斯厌恶地将他摔在地上。Miles threw him to the ground with a sickening thud.

特雷福喊道,但是没有丝毫回应,于是他朝地面重击了一拳。He shouted but there was no answer but a thud on the ground.

然后就是一片寂静,除了被炸飞残骸的落地声。Then there was silence, broken only by the thud of falling debris.

在这个时候,唯一能听到的声音就是铁锹碰到沙土发出的枯燥的撞击声。For a while, the only sound was the dry thud of metal hitting sand.

接下去人们听到砰的一声,原来那是帽子从他脑袋上飞下来时发出的响声。The next moment there was a loud thud as the hat flew off his head.

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其他两个值班的操作员看到一道明亮的闪光并听到闷声重击。Two other operators on duty saw a bright flash and heard a dull thud.

但就在这时,我察觉到了,头撞墙的时候,从墙里发出了一些轻微的响动。But when my head made contact with the wall, it produced a hollow thud.

听到“砰“的一声之后他再转回路上正常行驶。There would be a loud "thud", and then he would swerve back on the road.

它从满是树脂的树上跌下来,砰的一声落在我们脚前。It tumbled down through the bleeding tree and landed at our feet with a thud.

希罗扔掉了他的枪,那扑通的一声在空荡荡的教堂里反复回响着。Hiro dropped his gun, its loud thud echoing in the hollow cathedral a thousand times.

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然后,在接近地面的时候,麻烦来了——茱莉亚砰得一声落了地。Then disaster awaited as the ground neared. Julia landed with a thud onto the ground.

巨人随着巨大的撞击声摔了下来。He chopped down the beanstalk and the giant came crashing down with a tremendous thud.

布什躲开向他飞来的两只鞋子,两只鞋子擦着他的头顶而过,撞击在后面的墙上。Bush ducked both shoes as they whizzed past his head and landed with a thud against the wall behind him.