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那么索性放松一下。So relax.

你如何放松呢?How do you relax?

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为什么不放松你自己呢?Why not relax yourself?

对了,最重要一点是保持别紧张。Most importantly, relax.

所以,你祷告的时候,要放松。So, when you pray, relax.

守夜人叫本人放宽心。Relax , said the night man.

不要松懈下来。Don't relax in your efforts.

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你先和爷爷一起歇着吧。You just relax with Grandpa.

不静下心来是没法放松的。A restless mind cannot relax.

现在就休息,你太累了。Relax now. You are too tired.

我们早已忘记怎样放松。We’ve forgotten how to relax.

守夜人叫我放宽心。"Relax" , said thee night man.

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让口腔里的肌肉放松。Relax the muscle of your mouth.

我们终于可以稍微放宽心一点了。We can finally relax for a bit.

为什么你们不在温泉里放松一下呢?Why don't you relax in the spa?

我只计划在家苏息。I'm just going to relax at home.

她有权利放松,她已经过了很长时间的忙碌生活了。She has had athe right to relax.

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我现在就想着回家好好放松一下。I just want to go home and relax.

菲比帮助莫妮卡排遣痛苦。Phoebe helps Monica try to relax.

腹部腰部臀部放松。Relax your belly, waist, buttock.