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这么说来,我以为你是不应承。I take it you don't consent.

我敢肯定她不会答应的。I'm sure she wouldn't consent.

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同意又有何限制?What are the limits of consent?

未经你俩任何人的同意Without either of your consent.

是啊。每个人都同意了,除了姚。Yea everyone but Yao's consent.

但沉默不意指默认。But silence didn't imply consent.

你交手术志愿书了吗?Have you hand in you consent yet?

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非常有趣,好的,征得同意。That's interesting. All right. Consent.

玫瑰公主的父亲同意了这桩婚事。The King, her father, gave his consent.

18岁的人能够给予知情同意吗?Can an 18-year-old give informed consent?

我本应该首先征得你的同意。I ought first to have asked your consent.

沉默意味着同意。The implication of silence infers consent.

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为什么派克同意了,在道德上就会不同呢?Why would consent make a moral difference?

没有我的许可你不能签署任何东西。You can't sign anything without my consent.

这组词的共同意思是“同意”。All your writers do consent that ipse is he.

他朝我微笑,流露出同意的神情。He threw me a smile that telegraphed consent.

我为每一个签名或同意挣扎。I struggled to get every signature or consent.

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他把她的沉默误认为是同意。He misinterpreted her silence as giving consent.

她的父母欣然同意了这个请求。Her parents are willing to consent this request.

我们经过慎重考虑后才应承此事。We considered gravely before giving our consent.