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这只是暂时的现象吗?And is it only temporary?

不过这是暂时的。However, this is temporary.

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尝试暂时分开。Try a temporary separation.

这一临时性的替代品已经成了化石。The temporary has fossilized.

喝醉是暂时性的自杀。Drunkenness is temporary suicide.

水压用临时扳手制作完。Temporary wrenches have been finished.

他在巴黎找到了一个临时住所。He found a temporary lodgment in Paris.

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裁员有是暂时的,也有是永久性的。A lay-off can be temporary or permanent.

裁员有可能是暂时的,也有可能是永久性的。A lay-off can be temporary or permanent.

人生在世是一项暂时性的任务Life on earth is a temporary assignment.

将数据复制到这个临时目录。Copy the data to the temporary directory.

不使用编辑器创建临时文件。Create temporary files without an editor.

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两汉时期,设置临榆县。Han Dynasty, set up temporary elm County.

联系一些招聘专员和临时的机搆。Contact recruiters and temporary agencies.

为什么我们不声明一个临时的呢?So why don't we just have a temporary one.

临时的反义词是永久的。"Temporary" is the antonym of "permanent".

故此,不要让短暂的事占满你的生命。Don't trade your life for temporary things.

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也许中国的均衡损失是暂时的。Perhaps China's loss of poise is temporary.

任何感觉上的剥夺都不过是暂时的。Any perceived deprivation is only temporary.

为神马嘿咻会导致短暂的记忆缺失呢?Why would sex cause a temporary memory loss?