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以及一场为了夺回那艘船的战争是如何爆发的。And how a war for the repossession of that ship had commenced.

美国各银行在2009年向共计280万个住房发出收回通知。Banks filed repossession notices on 2.8m American homes during 2009.

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因此,借款人的财产不能收回任何风险。Thus, the borrower's property is not under any risk of repossession.

法官认为贷方有诉诸法庭或重新占有汽车两种补救方法。The lender has a remedy either in court or through repossession of the car.

开发商的房子看上去很好,他会向您发送通知收楼。Developers of the house looks well, he'll send you a notice for repossession.

可以收回的威胁,是一件非常令人担忧的,你一定不能忽视。The threat of repossession can be extremely worrying and is something that you certainly shouldn't ignore.

这是告诉你付款延误的信件中说到的第一点,也就是说要没收你的房屋。That's from the first notice in the mail that says you are late, to the very end of the line, which is that repossession.

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Paulson还表示政府同样会拨部分援款帮助人民应对住房回收的问题。Paulson suggested as well that part of the money might also be used to help keep people facing repossession in their homes.

在同样的情况下,业主有意保护家园免受收楼太舟可申请无担保贷款。In the same way, homeowners who wish to protect their home from the risk of repossession too can apply for an unsecured boat loan.

以艰难的方式收回房屋的过程将更难使房地产市场供求出清和发现房屋底价。Tying the process of repossession in yet more knots will make it harder for the market to clear and for house prices to find a floor.

可是又有人来查封了,债主们就等着她死,以便拍卖她的东西。He has done all he could, but the men have been back with repossession orders, and the creditors are only waiting for her to die before selling her up.

抵押贷款索赔额一直稳步上涨,今年可能会突破160,000,其程度仅次于上世纪九十年代的地产泡沫破裂。Mortgage repossession claims have been steadily rising and are likely to breach 160, 000 this year, second only to 1991, in the depths of the last housing crash.

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但农村居民还要面对衰弱或不存在的公共机构,以及与当地官员就收回土地进行发展定期争论。But rural residents still face weak or nonexistent public services and have regular disputes with local officials over repossession of their farmland for development.