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支配者侧了由二夸克。A Dominator flanked by two Quarks.

降低成本,是丰田能够登上霸主地位的另一个关键因素。Another key point of ascending on dominator is decreasing cost.

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恐龙作为中生代生物界的统治者,它的研究一直是科学界的热点。As the dominator of the Mesozoic, it is the focus of the science.

当然,坦克开动离不开燃料,“统治者”啜饮一加仑汽油可以跑14英里。And, as tanks go, the Dominator sips fuel, getting 14 miles to the gallon.

丰田正以凶猛的声势成为全球汽车业新一轮的霸主。TOYOTA becomes the new dominator in global automobile industry as impetuous development.

水既能承载船只,也可是使船只倾覆。比喻民心向背决定生死存亡。This proverbs indicates that people can adhere a dominator and also can overthrow his domination.

国史记录的史实在一定程度上反映着统治者的思想观念。Historical facts recorded in the history of a country reflect the ideology of the dominator to a certain extent.

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而她通过对阿尔塞·阿罗宾如女皇般的任意处置,罢黜了男性作为支配者的地位。In addition, she dethrones man from his position as the dominator by treating Alcee Arobin like a regal empress.

统治者合成赛车油的优质添加剂技术,在极端条件下提供无与伦比的耐久性。Dominator Synthetic Racing Oil's superior additive technology provides unmatched durability in extreme conditions.

如果我们把现在的上帝定为现代人的模样,那未来的地球主宰者,他们必将兴起另一种宗教来取代现在的宗教。If we personified the God, the future dominator of the Earth certainly would develop other religion to replace it.

SOA是当今业界最热的话题之一,在未来的软件开发世界里,它将成为软件体系结构领域的统领者。Today SOA is one of the most popular topic in computer industry, it will be the dominator of software architecture.

美国通用公司终于在2009年结束了自己长达77年之久的世界汽车业霸主地位,将其拱手让给了丰田。General Motors Corp. finally give up the dominator position to TOYOTA in 2009 over 77 years in global automobile industry.

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第一根指头用完就完了,换第二根指头,这样以此类推,直到二十根指头用完,主导者始终是那个我在计算。The first finger is used in finger and toe counting and then the second is used, until to the twentieth. It always is me as dominator who counts.

对于鲁尼,挑战是像展示个性一样的展示自己的能力。曼联和英格兰都不光需要射手也需要领袖。For Rooney, the challenge is to demonstrate personality as much as ability. United and England do not merely need a goalscorer, they need a dominator.

它是指国家针对灾荒采取的各种补救措施,通过国家政权颁布、制定的各种救荒法令、制度的方式来体现。To make famine relief policies is not only the basic responsibility of national government, but also the necessary method to maintain the rule of dominator.

由于她们深受传统意识的束缚以及男性社会的主宰,在社会中处于“第二性”,从而不断地承受着各种各样的苦难。The women of Afghanistan were on the "second sex", because of the fetter of traditional consciousness and the dominator of men. They suffered from all kinds of misery.

适应“两课”教学面临的实际的新变化,迫切要求改革“两课”的教学方法,做到以变应变,本文推荐了四种板块式教学模式。This article gives us four modes of board teaching , meanwhile , the teacher should be the dominator rather than the subject so as to stimulate the students initiative.

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所有AMSOIL合成机油已制订了比其他竞争对手的油性能更高的层次,AMSOIL统治者合成赛车油也不例外。All AMSOIL synthetic motor oils are already formulated to a higher level of performance than competitors' oils, and AMSOIL Dominator Synthetic Racing Oil is no exception.

而中国“秦制”以后赋役制度的基础在于,皇权是一切“子民”人身和财产的最终所有者、支配者。In China, however, the foundation of taxation since the Qin Dynasty onward lay in that the imperial power was the final owner and dominator of all persons and their possessions.

学者们倾向于认为黄宗羲等待的是“圣王”或“满族统治者”,但是,在“阳明心学”的语境中,他所等待的更是一般意义上的“我们”。Researchers inclined to regard that the visitor was a "Saint King" or "Manchu dominator", but in the context of the "Yangming school", the one he was waiting for would be "us" in the common sense.