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数学能做到这一点。Mathematics can do that.

唐在学习数学上很聪明。Don is smart in mathematics.

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他数学系毕业。He graduated in mathematics.

我现在的专业是数学.I'm majoring in mathematics.

她钻研数学。She is digging at mathematics.

只见神秘学向着数学飞舞。See Mystery to Mathematics fly!

他的妻子是名数学教师。His wife was a mathematics teacher.

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几何学是数学的一个分科。Geometry is a branch of mathematics.

他数学考试没通过。He didn't pass the mathematics test.

现在我需要做一个数学运算。And now I have to do the mathematics.

这是柏拉图式对数学的理解That's the Platonic take on mathematics.

他在数学方面要比王先生强。He is superior to Mr Wang in mathematics.

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要知道我在学校数学不及格。I failed mathematics at school, you know.

数学是一门逻辑性极强的学科。Mathematics is a subject with logicality.

他在数学上比王先生强。He is superior to Mr. Wang in mathematics.

我懂一些高等数学。I know something about higher mathematics.

液压系统数学模型一般属“病态”模型。The mathematics model is ill-conditioning.

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擅长数学,对几何图形反应敏捷。Good at mathematics and special geometrics.

孙老师是我们班的数学老师。Mrs. Sun is our class's mathematics teacher.

他代任我们的教学教师。He substitutes as our teacher of mathematics.