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中教员!还是不减得好!The teacher! Or diminished well!

意外的开支减少了我们的存款数目。Unforeseen expenses diminished our savings.

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有一只手举了起来,同时窃笑声逐渐消失。One hand went up as the snickering diminished.

两周后,这钟热情消失了。Two weeks later, this enthusiasm had diminished.

干旱期使我们的水供应锐减。The dry spell quickly diminished our water suply.

自愧不如。They make us feel a bit diminished by comparison.

秋日苦短,暮霭正在拢来。Twilight was closing on the diminished autumn day.

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典狱长的权威在动乱后下降了。The warden's authority diminished after the revolt.

他怜悯她命运的情愫早已经荡然无存了。His tearfulness about her fate had already diminished.

但是当她频频曝光时,这些惊喜就少了。But as she became overexposed, our surprise diminished.

萎缩细胞的功能下降,但未死亡。Atrophic cells have diminished function but are not dead.

突然风平了,浪又静了。Suddenly the wind diminished and the seas grew calm again.

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桌上点着四支蜡烛,火苗儿在微弱的风中忽闪忽闪地跳动着。Four candles flickered on the table in the diminished wind.

桌上点着四支蜡烛,火苗儿在微弱的风中忽闪忽闪地跳动着。Four candles flickered on the table in the diminished wind.

随着时间一天天地过去,他们的食品供应逐渐减少了。Their food supply gradually diminished as the days wore on.

在非卧射状态下,它的射击准确度将大幅度降低。Its accuracy is severly diminished when firing while not prone.

看到街头他们的辛苦忙碌,林的愤怒感到了减轻。Looking at them from across the street, Lin’s anger diminished.

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大音程降低半音是小音程。Major intervals made smaller by 2 half-steps become diminished.

日本大阪有什麽地方多勇者王的玩具卖呢?。GGG toys esp. resin casts have been diminished for several years.

但有人说开封存在犹太人社区,虽然它是分裂和被贬低的。Except there is one, some say, though it's divided and diminished.