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弗朗西斯·厄普顿是一名数学家。Francis Upton was a mathematician.

他雇用了一个物理学家法兰西斯·尤佩顿来协助他。He hired physics expert named Francis Upton to help him.

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枪手们周日下午在厄普顿公园2-1击败西汉姆联。The Gunners beat West Ham United 2-1 at Upton Park on Sunday afternoon.

年轻的红军后卫在厄普顿公园伤了脚,并且昨天拍了片子。The young Reds defender limped off at Upton Park and underwent a scan yesterday.

周六利物浦做客厄普森公园,西汉姆的球迷威尼谈了他的看法。Hammers fan Vinny Genco provides the view from Upton Park ahead of Saturday's encounter.

另外的两个进球是托雷斯在厄普顿公园3比2比赛中梅开二度。The other two came at Upton Park when Torres was the difference in a narrow 3-2 victory.

斯科尔斯在厄普顿公园和吉布森,安德森的搭档很出色。Scholes orchestrated play for the Reds at Upton Park alongside the youth of Gibson and Anderson.

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接下来雷纳和他的队友们要前往厄普顿公园迎接深陷保级区的西汉姆的挑战。Next up for Reina and co is a trip to Upton Park to take on relegation-threatened West Ham United.

斯帕莱蒂对他的球员在厄普顿公园的表现表示满意,但警告罗马必须在他们的防守上下功夫。Luciano Spalletti was satisfied with the performance at Upton Park, but warned Roma must work on their defence.

当他的教练雷德克纳普,和老弗拉克贝厄普顿公园解雇后,才使弗拉克来到了我们的中间。When manager Harry Redknapp and Frank senior were sacked from Upton Park, it was time for our Frank to move on.

西汉姆足球学校的泰勒·里克斯在厄普顿公园草地上与环球音乐签下合同。Tyler Rix , who has played for West Ham's Academy, signed the deal with Universal Music on the turf at Upton Park.

荷兰人上半场在厄普顿公园就追平了先前的不失球记录。The Dutchman matched the previous standard for minutes without conceding a goal during the first half at Upton Park.

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当西汉姆队在厄普敦公园球场1-1追平切尔西时,穆里尼奥用克雷斯波替下了边锋达夫。The Hammers were tied with Chelsea 1-1 at Upton Park when manager Jose Mourinho sent in Crespo for winger Damien Duff.

进球来自萨莫拉、里奥-库克和埃瑟林顿,确保了胜利。西汉姆这个赛季在厄普顿公园同样击败了阿森纳,在边线上发生了温格和帕度的冲突。West Ham also beat Arsenal at Upton Park this season in a clash marred by a touchline bust-up between Pardew and Arsene Wenger.

他还曾在厄普顿公园多年担任西汉姆一线队教练,并三度出任铁锤帮代理主教练的职位。He was previously First Team Coach at Upton Park and has acted as Caretaker Manager for the Hammers on three separate occasions.

德罗巴获得了宝贵的休息机会,最终蓝军首度在厄普顿公园取得四粒进球,同时是双方最大的比分差距。Drogba is given vital minutes rest before the end of the Blues' first four-goal haul at Upton Park and our biggest winning margin.

塔尼克利夫首发出场,但第46分钟就被换下。队友斯科特。伍顿在厄普顿公园枯坐板凳。Tunnicliffe started the game but was replaced on 46 minutes, while team-mate Scott Wootton was an unused substitute at Upton Park.

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在马丁奥尼尔拒绝执教铁锤帮后,西汉姆联董事会就开始支持现任主帅格兰特。The Hammers board have backed manager Avram Grant after Martin O'Neill rejected the chance to take the manager's job at Upton Park.

全体育报声称,西汉姆联注意到了斑马军团的兴趣所在,他们希望借此机会将吉奥文科带到安普顿公园球场。Tuttosport understands West Ham are aware of the Bianconeri's interest and want to use it as a way of bringing Giovinco to Upton Park.

然而,乔依旧留在了厄普顿公园,在因大腿骨折而被迫停止训练之前,他迫切期待的职业生涯在那里变得柳暗花明。However Joe remained at Upton Park where his much awaited career began gently before being brought to a halt altogether by a broken leg.