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他是一位??爽直的政客。He is an outspoken politician.

博士索尔福德是相当直率的他的工作。Salford is quite outspoken about his work.

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卡恩向来都是坦率直言的。Kahn has never been anything if not outspoken.

西奥·比布尔是直言不讳的纳布资政官。Sio Bibble was the outspoken governor of Naboo.

冈岛对于他的挣扎也是同样直言。Okajima is equally outspoken about his struggles.

我说话太冲了。这是我最坏的缺点。I am far too outspoken. It's one of my worst faults.

我们应该仔细倾听直言不讳的批评。We should listen closely to the outspoken criticisms.

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由于巴基斯坦不向欧共体交钱,所以我可以直言不讳。The EC is not paid by Pakistan, so I can be outspoken.

他们展现出一种坦率和强硬的形象。They oftenproject an image of being outspoken and tough.

这些女性注重时尚,坦率直言。The women in the group were style-conscious and outspoken.

因为大嘴巴,总统就让这位内阁成员歇菜了。The outspoken cabinet member was sidelined by the President.

查尔斯·明格斯素以他的愤怒和直言不讳而在乐界闻名。Charles Mingus was known for being angry and outspoken on the bandstand.

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他招致的轻蔑和敌意是由于他出言过于粗率而造成的。The opprobrium and enmity he incurred were caused by his outspoken brashness.

蓝维尔的口无遮拦指责芭丽,瓦立阿恼怒地打了他一巴掌。Blue, the outspoken criticism of barriss, warwickshire, angry gave him a slap.

她在国外住了很多年,几乎变成了个心直口快的外国人。Having lived abroad, she nearly became a foreigner who is frank and outspoken.

打着消灭腐败的名义,他清理了招摇过市的政治敌人。In the name of eliminating corruption, he has purged outspoken political rivals.

老先生真是敢言,敢言人之心中或许都有却未必能够说出来的话。Old man is outspoken, outspoken person may have in mind may not be able to say so.

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陈日君以宗教及政治自由的敢言观点闻名。Cardinal Zen is famous for his outspoken views on democratic and religious freedoms.

但是有时候,也许是因为我的心直口快,难免得罪一些人。But sometimes, perhaps because of my outspoken against some people, it is inevitable.

更直率公开地思考党领导是否是真正的保守主义者。The more outspoken ponder openly whether the party leader is really a Conservative at all.