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其他患有诵读障碍症的著名人士包括Other notable dyslexic figures

圭亚那是个明显的例外。Guyana is the notable exception.

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他的成就是非常显著的。His achievement is very notable.

需要引起注意的代码用粗体显示。The notable code is in boldface.

其中最值得注意的是中国。Most notable among these is China.

当然,也有个别人例外。Still, there were notable exceptio.

这个需求值得注意的是它的大小。The request is notable for its size.

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他创立了著名诗人的流派。He fathered a school of notable poets.

当然也有显著的例外,他说。There are notable exceptions, he said.

他们中间最值得一提的就是。Most notable among them so far is

被认为是优秀的或出众的人。One that is deemed excellent or notable.

唯一例外的是小艾。Only notable exception is Allen Iverson.

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但是有一个非常显著的右歪斜。However there is some notable right skew.

另一令人注目的修正是2009年的数字。Another notable revision was to 2009 figures.

水利建设成就显著。Notable achievements made in water conservancy.

当然,这些也只是少有的值得注意的案例。These are, of course, only a few notable cases.

尖沙咀是著名的游客区。Tsim Sha Tsui is a notable tourist destination.

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首秦公司的建设,具有两大显著特点。Qin's first building, with two notable features.

这是这个阶段牙龈炎是最显着的。It is this stage that gingivitis is most notable.

潘基文是世界政坛最著名的肖猴者。The most notable monkey in world politics is Ban.