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我将此信由航空寄出。I sent the letter airmail.

您想按水陆路邮寄还是按航空邮寄?。By surface mail or by airmail?

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你想发航空信吗?。Do you want to airmail it or not?

我寄航空信了。这个多长时间?How long will it take by airmail?

现在我用电子邮件代替航空信。I use email instead of airmail now.

请用航空信方式邮寄。Please send this letter by airmail.

我要买十枚航空邮票。I’d like ten airmail stamps, please.

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我们通过寄航空信件来办理信汇。We send the mail transfer by airmail.

这封信我要寄航空。I'd like to send this letter by airmail.

寄航空邮件通常需要7天左右的时间。It usually takes about 7 days by airmail.

寄到纽约的航空信要贴多少邮票?。How much is an airmail letter to New York?

是我们伦敦办事处航邮汇来的。It came by airmail from our London office.

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我要寄一封航空信到巴黎I'd like to send a letter airmail to Paris.

你是想用平邮还是空邮?Would you like to send it surface or airmail?

您喜欢用航空邮件寄送这封信吗?。Would you like to send this letter by airmail?.

我5天前用航空挂号把款寄去了。I sent payment by registered airmail 5 days ago.

航空邮件一般需要5个工作日。It usually takes about 5 working days by airmail.

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我要一封普通邮票和两封航空邮票。I need a book of regular stamp and two of airmail.

他已经答应空邮一些样品给我们。He has promised to send us some samples by airmail.

这封信用航空邮件寄,多久才能到?How long does this letter take to go there by airmail?