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这样便已经正确说出意志的有限性了。In these words, a correct expression is given to the finitude of Will.

第五部分着重分析世界公民权利的内容、性质及其合法性。The legitimacy derives from two theory of the finitude of globe and property.

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让我们为长生不老药还没有被发现而感到高兴吧,同时也庆幸我们生命的有限。Let us be grateful that the elixir continues to elude us — and toast instead our finitude.

其次是论述主体有限性思想的含义、内容及其意义。Secondly, it discussed the meaning, content and significance of the subject finitude idea.

最后是论述有限性思想在现实问题分析中的意义。Finally, it discussed the significance of finitude idea in the analysis of practical problems.

我的等待因时间的有限性侵犯我的计画,而感到某种程度的焦虑。My waiting will be anxious to the degree in which the finitude of time impinges upon the project.

上帝是源头的所有福利,有限性,参与他的,但只局限。God is the source of all being, and finitude participates in his being, but only with limitations.

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然后指出有限性思想在本体论、方法论和价值观上所具有的重大意义。And then it pointed out the great significance of finitude idea in the ontology, methodology and values.

认识我们的失败和局限会使我们自怨自艾并怀疑呼召我们的上帝。The recognition of failure and finitude leads us to dislike ourselves and doubt the God who called us to ministry.

之后,极权的“红与黑”让资产阶级意识到其自身的局限。Later, the rise of totalitarianisms black and red brought about the emergence of a bourgeoisie conscious of its own finitude.

事物的有限性即在于它们的直接的特定存在不符合它们本身或本性。The finitude of things will then lie in the want of correspondence between their immediate being, and what they essentially are.

这些作者因其有限与有罪,必然或偶然会将曲解或错误带入神的话中。WE DENY that the finitude or fallenness of these writers, by necessity or otherwise, introduced distortion or falsehood into God's Word.

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细察一下,攻击斯宾诺莎为无神论,主要是说,他不能给予差别或有限性的原则以正当的地位。The so-called atheism of Spinoza is merely an exaggeration of the fact that he defrauds the principle of difference or finitude of its due.

从实证分析结果上看,宪法修改之界限可分为程序方面的界限和实体方面的界限。On the aspect of positivism analysis, the finitude of constitution amendment can be divided into procedure finitude and entitative finitude.

认识的有限性在于事先假定了一个业已先在的世界,于是认识的主体就显得是一张白纸。The finitude of Cognition lies in the presupposition of a world already in existence, and in the consequent view of the knowing subject as a tabula Rasa.

此过程仍然涉及「此在」跟「他者」的互动与共同的遭遇,显示「此在」本身的有限性。This process still involves the interaction between the "Dasein" and the "Other" as well as the common fate which reveals the finitude of human individual.

宪法修改之界限不仅在理论上具有内在需求性,更在宪法规范的制定与施行中具有重要地位。Not only the internal demand in theory, but also setting down and putting in force to constitution articles, the finitude of constitution amendment locates on basilic status.

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“苏格拉底式智慧”是坦然承认无知的智慧,其精髓是对人类的有限性和终极实在的无限性的体认。Socrate's wisdom is a wisdom of the honest acknowledgement of one's ignorance, and its kernel is the recognition of the finitude of human being and the infinitude of ultimate reality.

这种由于认识的有限性和区别作用而回归到自身,并通过概念的活动而与它自身同一的生命,就是思辨的理念或绝对理念。This life which has returned to itself from the bias and finitude of cognition, and which by the activity of the notion has become identical with it, is the Speculative or Absolute Idea.

如果固执着因果关系的本身,则我们就得不到这种关系的真理性,而只能看到有限的因果性,而因果关系的有限性就在于坚持因与果的区别。If we stick to causality as such, we have it not in its truth. Such a causality is merely finite, and its finitude lies in retaining the distinction between cause and effect unassimilated.