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在英国的园林修剪图案之旅。A pictorial tour of topiary in English gardens.

有向图有简单的图形表示。Digraphs have a simple pictorial representation.

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根据立体图画出主、俯、左三个视图。Draw three views according to pictorial drawing.

我最喜欢的英文杂志是英语画刊。My favorite English magazine is English Pictorial.

古玛雅人的文字在风格上主要是图画。The ancient Maya writing is largely pictorial in Style.

画报的创刊号一举成功。The first number of the pictorial leaped straight to success.

可以说,你真的有种和她一同站在画面中的感觉。You really feel like you're, so to speak, in the pictorial with her.

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下面图释的描述是写我如何做这个头的。What follows is a largely pictorial description of how I make a head.

如果在纸上反覆地涂抹对许铭仁表示某种意义的话,它所代表的就是绘画性的纯粹。If drawing on paper means anything to Ming-Jen Hsu, it would be pictorial purity.

同时我也讨论一些中国作者对图式幻觉主义所提出的说法。And I discuss the accounts of pictorial illusionism developed by writers in China.

此次产品画册设计,经过多次修改,最后得到客户认可。This product pictorial design, after many modification, final approval by customer.

图案清晰、个性定做,是家庭装修的一道亮丽风景线。Pictorial clear, personalized custom, which is the beuty landscape of family design.

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以图形化形式查看数据的功能比大多数人想的重要得多。Being able to view data in pictorial format is a lot stronger than most people think.

这样他也就必然触及到了这个图像化生存时代的精神本质。So he inevitably touches with the spiritual essence of this era of pictorial subsistence.

在艺术中,最受欢迎的资助对象依然是音乐,接下来是电影、绘画和戏剧。The most popular target remains music, after which come film, pictorial art, and theatre.

使用图像表征策略的程度各年级无显著差异。No significant differences in the use of pictorial representations among the grade groups.

由许多画面或图样并列或叠化而成的一个图画作品。A single pictorial composition made by juxtaposing or superimposing many pictures or designs.

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我们说读画,实在是在画里寻诗。So, what we mean by reading a painting is in reality seeking poetry in its pictorial composition.

在这里,画家的创意和画面张力的结合,共同创造出对这一场面的非同寻常的感受。Here, psychological and pictorial tension combine to create the feeling of an extraordinary event.

宋承宪今年2月28日在日本通过出示写真集再次和日本影迷见面。SSH will meet with his fans in Japan again this 28 Feb, through the release of his pictorial book.