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不过对必和必拓而言,拉长战线将是把双刃剑.But an extended timeline would be a double-edged sword for BHP Billiton.

力拓最大的竞争对手必和必拓结束了连续六年盈利的纪录。BHP Billiton , Rio Tinto’s larger rival, ended a six-year run of record profits.

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采矿业十分多元化的里奥廷托公司和必和必拓公司也限制生产。The diversified mining companies Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton also curbed production.

2001年作为团队的一员,古德伊尔促成了必和必拓与南非比利顿兼并。Goodyear was one of the team that spearheaded BHP's merger with Billiton of South Africa in 2001.

根据调查,5人认为必和必拓墨尔本总部应该优先进行并购。From the survey, five said mergers and acquisitions should be a priority for Melbourne-based BHP Billiton.

东南大学法学院张马林教授认为,按道理来说,力拓和必和必拓早就该认识到这点。Southeast University Law School Professor Zhang Malin that merit, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton have long to realize that this point.

政府方面称,亚洲国家发展对资源的需求给该国矿业带来丰厚的利润,而以必和必拓与力拓为代表的矿业公司所上缴的税金并未与其取得的暴利同步增长,该国国民未能分享到矿业利润带来的好处。The government said the state royalties paid by companies such as BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto had not kept pace with surging profits.

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力拓和必和必拓在现货市场销售的铁矿石已经接近其产量的一半,而淡水河谷的现货销售也逐渐增加。Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton are already selling almost half of their supplies on the spot market, with Vale also ramping up spot sales.

提倡使用现货价格交易的必和必拓已经在传统基准定价体系外销售了一半的产量。BHP Billiton – a proponent of the use of spot prices – already sells about half its production outside the traditional benchmark system.

主要矿业公司必和必拓及力拓两家股价跳升,同时澳大利亚对大的独立石油及天然气集团伍德赛德公司股价也大幅上涨。And Top miners BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto jumped, while Australia's biggest independent oil and gas group, Woodside Petroleum, also surged.

自2006年以来,纳赛尔一直在必和必拓董事会担任非执行董事,而且是董事会风险与审计委员会的成员。Mr Nasser has been on the board of BHP Billiton since 2006 as a non-executive director and is a member of the board's risk and audit committee.

由于赢利前景不佳,矿业巨头必和必拓在澳大利亚裁减3千份工作,并将关闭一个大型镍矿。Mining giant BHP Billiton is cutting more than 3, 000 jobs in Australia and will close a major nickel mine, because of poor profitability prospects.

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必和比拓集团将在澳大利亚裁减3千4百份工作,在智利裁员2千人,在美国的平托谷铜矿裁员550人。BHP Billiton is shedding 3, 400 jobs in Australia. Another 2, 000 posts will go in Chile and 550 at the Pinto Valley copper mine in the United States.

合约铁矿石价格上涨将使巴西淡水河谷、力拓和必和必拓的盈利大增。Gains in contract iron ore prices will boost profits for Brazil’s Vale SA, Rio Tinto Group and BHP Billiton Ltd., the three-biggest iron ore exporters.

然而,必和必拓公司和力拓矿业集团承认被一些调控者和对为了阻止联合经营实现的相关部门所关切。However, both BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto acknowledge the concerns expressed by some regulators and the obstacles to achieving clearance for the joint venture.

五月末,日韩钢铁制造商同意了和占铁矿贸易支配地位的三大铁矿巨头—力拓,必和必拓和淡水河谷的价格下降。In late May, Japanese and South Korean steelmakers agreed price cuts with the three mining companies that dominate the trade in iron ore—Rio, BHP Billiton and Vale.

这也正是促成必和必拓于2001年诞生的大规模兼并背后的逻辑,同时也解释了斯特拉塔和英美资源缘何运作多种矿产的业务。That was the thinking behind the mega-merger that created BHP Billiton in 2001. It also explains why Xstrata and Anglo American operate so many different kinds of mines.

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中国的一些企业抱怨说力拓和另一家英国—澳大利亚矿石商必和必拓在增产以满足中国的需求上做得不够,使得铁矿石价格飞涨。Some in China complained Rio Tinto and Anglo-Australian miner BHP Billiton weren't doing enough to boost capacity to meet Chinese demand and keep ore prices from jumping.

伍德拉夫正是运用了声东击西之计,名为爱国爱和平,实则是借战争提高产品的知名度拓销路。Woodruff is the use of diversionary measure, known as loving the motherland and peace, but in reality is to take the war to raise the visibility of product sales Billiton.

高拓熙判断韩美丽所谓收养的孩子韩宇蓝其实就是他亲生的,她将这一判断当面说给韩美丽听时,韩美丽哭了。High billiton city judge Han Meili so-called he is in fact the Han Yulan adopted children of his own, she will be the judge said to Han Meili face to face, Han Meili crying.