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如图卷好。Wrapped well as picture.

我把书用纸包好。I wrapped the book in paper.

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我想把这东西包成礼品,可以吗?。May I get this gift wrapped?

能替我将礼品包装吗?。Can I have this gift wrapped?

小山隐没在浓雾之中.The hills were wrapped in mist.

故事被神秘的气氛笼罩着。The story is wrapped in mystery.

这个礼物使用金箔纸包装的。The gift was wrapped in gold paper.

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他们都在全神贯注地工作。They are all wrapped up in working.

他用一条布带作腰带。He wrapped a tape around the package.

她把围巾围得紧一些。She wrapped her shawl closer about her.

他们于周五签完协议。They wrapped up an agreement on Friday.

房子被在忧郁的一个柩衣方面包装。The house is wrapped in a pall of gloom.

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好东西都是包成一小包一小包的。Good things are wrapped in small parcels.

她用锡箔纸将烤鸡包起来了。She wrapped the roast chicken up in foil.

“超级丹”成就了自己在羽毛球界的全满贯!"Super Dan" wrapped badminton Grand Slam!

他用手帕包著她的手。He wrapped a handkerchief around her hand.

沉溺在一件事里很容易。It’s very easy to get wrapped up in things.

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妈妈把婴儿裹在暖和的毛巾里。Mother wrapped the baby up in a warm shawl.

谁包水在衣服里?Who has wrapped up the waters in his cloak?

个个尸体都披着白色的寿衣。All of the corpses wrapped in white shrouds.