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我明白了,常规。Gotcha. Routine.

打破常规。Break the routine.

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喔,对。我明白了,常规。Oh. Right. Gotcha. Routine.

我喜欢规律还是有变化的工作?Do I like routine or variety?

它可不只是每天的例行公事哦。It's not only a daily routine.

收集邮票是我的例行公事。Collecting stamps is my routine.

营造一个轻松的就寝时间Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

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学习一支新曲即意味着牢记它。Routine for Learning a New Piece.

那些日常琐事真的要把我逼死了。Those routine jobs really kill me.

协调世界时0930恢复船上日常工作。Resume on-board routine at 0930 UTC.

常规的思考者常常拘泥于教条之中。Routine thinkers are often dogmatic.

日常事务烦死人了。The daily routine bores me to death.

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签证续签不再如以往般轻而易举。Visa renewals are no longer routine.

我不满意这一例行公事。I wasn’t satisfied with this routine.

在巴登巴登,我们已经习惯这样的生活了。We got into a routine in Baden Baden.

一张记录着日常喂养顺序的时间表。A timesheet records the daily routine.

他被束缚在极其呆板的日常工作上。He was bound by the stupidest routine.

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这就是榜样和惯例的力量。It’s the power of example and routine.

由一名护士做常规体检。Routine physicals are done by a nurse.

这个病人需要做一次尿常规检查。The patient need a routine urine test.