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混在了鸡饲料里,喂给公鸡吃了。Mix in gallinaceous feed, fed a cock to eat.

“鸡皮肤”有什么解决的办法?" Gallinaceous skin " the idea that what is solved?

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怎样祛除天生的鸡皮身子?How the gallinaceous skin body with inherent dispel?

什么是鸡皮肤,有什么特征,应怎样治疗?What is gallinaceous skin, have what feature, how should treat?

鸡骨草是否会影响药流流血情况?。Whether can gallinaceous bone grass affect medical shedding to bleed circumstance?

南美体重翼小的猎鸟,形似鹌鹑但与平胸鸟有亲缘。South American game bird resembling a gallinaceous bird but related to the ratite birds.

鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,猴,鸡,狗,猪。Rat, snake, cattle, tiger , rabbit , dragon , horse , sheep , monkey , gallinaceous , dog , pigs.

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试想如果一个店铺既卖鸡爪又卖鞋子,感觉会很奇怪。Just think if a shop sells gallinaceous claw to sell shoe again already, the feeling will be very strange.

请问,这与她手拉“鸡鸡”有关么?我如何才能重振雄风呢?。Excuse me, are this and her hand pulled " gallinaceous chicken " concern?How can I just weigh Zhen Xiongfeng?

鸡骨去鱼尾纹皮肤缺少了弹性纤维就易形成鱼尾纹。One, gallinaceous bone goes piscine end grain The skin lacked stretch fiber to form piscine end grain easily.

但是鸡精所含的盐分较高,高血压患者要小心摄取。But the salinity that gallinaceous essence place contains is taller, hypertensive patient should take care to absorb.

然而,炊事班事端频发,鸡飞狗跳,一次次地毁灭了他的希望。However, frequency of cooking class disturbance is sent, gallinaceous flying dog jumps, the ground destroyed his hope.

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鸡冠国以鸡为神,但斗鸡总败在大龙国金鸡脚下。Cockscomb country is a god with chicken, but cockfighting always be defeated in big Long Guojin gallinaceous foot falls.

因此,病毒侵入鸡体内的机会和数量就明显减少,感染几率下降。Accordingly , virus invades the opportunity inside gallinaceous body and amount to decrease apparently , infection odds drops.

我们与公司设计部门紧密合作,非凡是鸡尾裙更适合市场的要求。We and company design branch cooperate cheek by jowl, especially the requirement that gallinaceous end skirt fits the market more.

公鸡吃了伟哥以后,果然如虎添翼,没用一天的工夫就将鸡场所有的母鸡搞定了。After the cock had Wei elder brother, as expected with might doubled , trashy time of a day does hen of gallinaceous place some decided.

将枸杞装入鸡腹,加入佐料,湿棉纸封住盆口,笼蒸2小时后作佐餐。Load medlar gallinaceous abdomen, add spice, wet tissue seals basin mouth, basket evaporate makes be eaten together with rice or bread after 2 hours.

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除皱假如皮面出现小裂纹,可用毛笔蘸鸡蛋清涂于裂纹处,最后上亮光剂即可。Except knit Appear like peel face small crackle, usable brush dips in besmear of gallinaceous egg white is in at crackle, agent of the light on finally can.

再把三七粉撒在鸡脯上,用湿棉纸封严陶罐口,沸水旺火上笼蒸约2小时。Scatter 37 pink on gallinaceous breast again, seal severe terrine mouth with wet tissue, basket evaporate makes an appointment with 2 hours on fire of boiling water flourishing.

但是如果是吃鸡肉的话,则最好去掉鸡皮,因为鸡皮中的脂肪含量非常高,多吃对病情也有一定的影响。But if be the word that takes chicken, skin of chicken of best take out, because the adipose content in gallinaceous skin is very high, eat to also have certain effect to the illness more.