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前列腺癌则通常向骨转移。Prostate cancers usually metastasize to bone.

这是个什么恼人的腺体啊,前列腺?What is this troublesome gland, the prostate?

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共有四种主要的前列腺综合症。There are four main types of prostate syndromes.

患有前列腺肥大的大多数人都没有前列腺癌。Most men with BPH do not develop prostate cancer.

结果前列腺变得肥大。The result is that the prostate becomes enlarged.

前列腺淋巴肉瘤预后良好。The lymphosarcoma of prostate has a good prognosis.

其中前列腺癌31例,前列腺肥大86例。In 117 patients, 31 had prostate carcinoma and 86 BPH.

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外分泌由前列腺细胞分泌入小叶。分泌。Exocrine is the prostate cell secrete into little lobe.

预防前列腺疾病的另一种方法是饮食。Another way to prevent prostate disease is through diet.

下面专家为您详解前列腺自我按摩方法。Experts for you below prostate self massage method, sep.

他们告诉我,我的前列腺里有钙化。I was diagnosed that I had calcification in my prostate.

PDE5酶中还发现前列腺和膀胱。PDE5 enzymes are also found in the prostate and bladder.

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前列腺是一个只存在于男性体内的胡桃状的腺体。The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland found only in men.

前列腺腺细胞及其核的形态多样。The shape of prostate cells is variable, so is nuclears.

在70岁时,几乎所有男人或多或少都有前列腺肥大的问题。By age 70, almost all men have some prostate enlargement.

其实女性也有前列腺组织,但知者甚少。Less widely known is that women have prostate tissue too.

前列腺肿瘤疫苗又称Provenge走得最远。The prostate cancer vaccine, Provenge, is farthest along.

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如果你决定尝试前列腺按摩法,操作方法如下。If you decide to try prostate milking, here’s how to do it.

惠特利医生有告诉你你有摄护腺肥大吗?。Did Dr. Whitley tell you that you have an enlarged prostate?

前列腺,下背部肌肉,坐骨神经。L4- Prostate gland, muscles of the lower back, sciatic nerve.