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他扮演了一个不光彩的角色。He plays a most inglorious part.

被捕捉并圈养在卑劣的猪栏。Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot.

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“无耻混蛋”主演布拉德皮特和礼罗斯。"Inglorious Basterds" stars Brad Pitt and Eli Roth.

他正接近自己的生涯中湮没无闻的隐晦时期。He was approaching the inglorious twilight of his career.

在使地球变暖的不光彩竞赛中,发展中国家正在迎头赶上。In the inglorious race to warm the planet, developing countries are catching up.

在梁柏楠的犯罪道路上,他的家庭和生活圈扮演了一个非常不光彩的角色。Liangbainan crime in the road, his family and living circles play a very inglorious role.

一些电视台、网站在金股之王公司此类案件中扮演了不光彩的角色。Some television stations, the site of King's gold stocks such cases, played an inglorious role.

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巴特拉伊领导着UPF的少数,在1995年的选举落得惨败的结局,未能赢得一个席位。Bhattari wound up leading the minority faction of the UPF to inglorious defeat in the 1995 elections, failing to win a single seat.

一个处在热恋中的人假如做出了不光彩的行为,被他的父亲、朋友或别的什么人看见,都不会像被自己的恋人看见那样,使他顿时苍白失色。If a person loving deeply has made the inglorious behavior, is seen by his father, friend or everybody other, will not make him face turn pale immediately as seeing by one's own lover.

相比谷物成熟时的金黄起伏或玉米收获时颗粒饱满,木薯则是一种朴实无华的顽强作物,稀疏的红色细长枝干底下连着一大串的褐色块茎。Compared with amber waves of grain or the blond tresses of a field of ripe corn, cassava is an inglorious workhorse of a crop, a few spindly red stems sprouting from a clutch of brown tubers.