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付款是通过GAF型代管而已。Payment is thru GAF escrow only.

如果您不接受托管费,然后不出价。If you don't accept escrow payments, then don't bid.

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银行已经将支付款打到了escrow的账户中了。The bank has already paid the money into an escrow account.

半提存的前期付款。半完成后付款。Half up-front payment in escrow. Half-payment upon completion.

购买者和第三方担保公司达成一个信任协议。The buyer enters into an agreement of trust with the escrow company.

所有费用和闭幕前将自掏口袋低收入下午代管。All closing costs and pre-paids will be paid out of pocket at escrow.

拖放,等待条件完成的契据和倍数收件人功能被支持。Drag-and-drop, escrow and multiple recipient functions are supported.

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附带条件委付盖印契约帐号是匮?税捐及保险支付所需要的。Escrow accounts for property taxes and insurance payments are required.

我将在自由提存后所有的钱,所以,这些钱是他们的。I will post all the money in Freelance escrow so that the money is their.

控制决策的唯一方是第三方担保公司。The only party with control over the decision-making is the escrow company.

然后,我为我们的下一个里程碑代管和重复该过程,直到项目完成。Then I escrow for next milestone and we repeat the process until project is complete.

白宫的律师应经和英国就建立代管帐户事宜谈判数日。Lawyers at the White House and for BP have been negotiating for days about an escrow account.

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为了保证交易的安全,整个交易过程大概需要3个工作日。To gurantee the security of the escrow service, the whole process needs about 3 working days.

第一百零三条标的物提存后,毁损、灭失的风险由债权人承担。Once the subject matter is in escrow , the risk of its damage or loss is borne by the obligee.

谜能源是购买5.5英亩的场地,它仍然是沙漠道奇拥有代管。Enigma Energy is in escrow to purchase the 5.5-acre site, which is still owned by Desert Dodge.

为了保证交易的安全,整个交易过程大概需要1-5个工作日。To gurantee the security of the escrow service, the whole process needs about 1-5 working days.

减少下定单购买时投入的购买保证金的比例。Each level of skill reduces the percentage of ISK placed in market escrow when entering buy orders.

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不适用,如果您需要预先付款或代管。所有款项将通过自由职业者只。Do not apply if you require advance payment or escrow. All payments will be through Freelancer only.

不要把一个较高的出价或代管的要求,因为这是自动取消资格以及。Do not put a high bid or an escrow requirement because these are automatic disqualifications as well.

付款将提存并没有公布,直到工作全面接收工作状态。Payment will be place in escrow and not released until the work is received in full working condition.