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话虽如此,我感到非常嫉妒的超薄硬件。That being said, I am extremely jealous of the slimline hardware.

中国的政策制定者们不会因为他们的新数据缩水而不高兴。China's policymakers will not be unhappy with their new, slimline figure.

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明基T60是台湾手机制造商生产的最新款超薄手机。The BenQ T60 is the newest slimline handset from the Taiwan-based cell phone maker.

在巴黎的菲尔席勒提出的平板屏、超薄型电脑的想法终于得以实现。Unveiled by Phil Schiller in Paris, the idea of a flatscreen, slimline computer is finally realised.

总游戏街头词语的是,索尼正在寻求引进新产品PS3的秋季。By Total Gaming The word on the street is that Sony are looking to introduce a slimline PS3 in autumn.

比如为伊斯兰世界制造生产的芙拉娃娃,就是一个带着头纱很受欢迎的高挑模特。Fulla, for example, is a popular slimline mannequin with a headscarf manufactured for the Muslim world.

你是否想要移动硬盘来存储数据,但是又希望它的体积尽可能小,以便塞入自己的书包?Looking for a slimline hard drive that not only stores a lot but doesn't take up much space in your bag?

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依据这项研究所显示,像越南这样体型普遍较瘦的国家,食物摄入量要相对减少百分之二十,所以国家含碳化合物的排放量也就更低。According to the study, a more slimline country such as Vietnam consume 20 percent less food so produce a lower level of carbon emissions.

剧院定于一月关闭,至少要持续九个月,而且这期间只会对其保持一些基本的维护和进行参与性讲习班计划。The theatre is set to go dark in January for at least nine months, and will maintain only a slimline youth and participatory workshop programme.

管线钢在轧制变形过程中,如果边角部金属延伸不均会产生折叠,压入钢板表面后形成“细线”缺陷。The slimline defect was formed by the folds forced in the surface which was generated by the inhomogeneity of edge and corner elongation in rolling process.

云计算改变了以往操作系统的着力点,从控制大型的,繁琐的台式电脑到简洁机身却可以快速联网的小型计算机。Cloud computing changes the focus of operating systems from controlling large, cumbersome desktop PCs to smaller, slimline computers that access the internet as swiftly as possible.