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小心不要使船倾覆。Be careful not to capsize the boat.

小心不要把船弄翻。Be careful not to capsize the boat.

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突然一阵强风弄翻了他们的船。A sudden strong wind capsize their boat.

偷渡美国途中翻船,福建数十人丧生。Boat capsize kills dozens of stowaways enroute to US.

其结果将是翻船更多的小企业。The result will be to capsize yet more small businesses.

如果太多的人乘坐一艘独木舟,它可能会翻覆。If there are too many people on the canoe, it may capsize.

我努力驾驶着我的航船,不让他被任何一股风颠覆。I try to navigate my craft so as not capsize before either.

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我努力驾使着我的航船,不让他被任何一股风颠覆。Try to navigate my craft so as not to capsize before either.

在这种大背景下,上海房地产业能够“翻船”吗?!Under this general background, Shanghai real estate to "capsize"?!

提供最大压载力,抵抗侧倾覆的可能性,并保证侧倾覆后能及时回位Provides the most ballast to resist capsizing and ensure recovery from a capsize

“战斗67号”轮翻沉事故是近年来发生在我国沿海海域的一件重大恶性事故。Capsize of 'ZHANDOU 67' is a serious accident happened inthe China Sea in recent years.

他们说,害怕乘客对一方提出的船只倾覆造成它。They say frightened passengers moved towards one side of the vessel causing it to capsize.

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一艘雄伟邮轮可以安然驶过动荡,而小船,即便是最结实…A stately liner can sail serenely through turmoil that would capsize even the sturdiest small vessel.

一艘宏伟邮轮可以安然驶过动荡,而小船,即便是最坚固的,也不堪一击。A stately liner can sail serenely through turmoil that would capsize even the sturdiest small vessel.

报道指,由于超载和过低的安全标准,孟加拉国时常发生翻船事故。Reported that, due to overloading and low safety standards, Bangladesh often capsize accident occurred.

小将侯逸凡则阴沟翻船,被英国棋手胡斯卡翻盘将杀,遗憾出局。Hou Yifan were capsize young cloacae , the British MR players ska deficit will be killed, out of regret.

不知道这之间的区别公司卖掉了海南岛是倾覆是肯定的。Not sure if this difference between companies to sell off the island of Hainan is to capsize the affirmative.

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人生的旅途中也就时时会遇到这种不作美的转换方向的风,将人生的小帆船翻倒!On the voyage of life, he thought, one is often caught in such squalls, squalls which Can capsize one's little boat.

因此如何掌握市场运价之变化,实乃经营海岬型船之关键所在。Consequently, the key factor in operating Capsize vessels is to forecast the fluctuations in freight rates and charter hires.

基于非线性动力学理论,本文以系统运动的全局分岔为出发点,来探索在规则横浪中船舶倾覆的机理。Based on the nonlinear dynamics theory, the global bifurcation analysis is applied to study the mechanism of ship capsize in regular beam sea.