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这是棱锥体吗?。Is this a pyramid?

那角锥共有五层。The pyramid had five terraces.

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这是一个完全不同的金字塔It's a whole different pyramid.

它就是吉萨大金字塔。It is the Great Pyramid of Giza.

古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。To assume the shape of a pyramid.

安利是一个非法传销。Amway is an illegal pyramid scheme.

你看!胡夫金字塔可真大啊!Look, how big the pyramid of Khufu is!

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罗浮宫前金字塔上的反光。A reflection from the louvre’s pyramid.

我们身后的这座土堆就像金字塔。The mound behind us looks like a pyramid.

想象一下这是个金字塔,不说三角形。Imagine this as a pyramid and not a triangle.

金字塔的顶石已经一去不复返。The capstone of the pyramid has been removed.

丽莲要画一个长方锥体。Lillian wants to draw a rectangular base pyramid.

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大金字塔是用二百三十万块巨石砌成的。The Great Pyramid is made of 2300000 huge stones.

他认为它会去和棱锥蛋糕。He thought it would go well with the pyramid cake.

上尖下圆,高约200米,形似金字塔。It's 200 meters high and looks like the "Pyramid".

目前的食物金字塔是这样划分饮食的The current pyramid makes the diet look like this.

上尖下圆,高约200米,形似金字塔。It is 200 meters high and looks like the "Pyramid".

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罗马家户类似金字塔结构。The Roman household was constructed like a pyramid.

我以高的次数开始,金字塔式递减到少的次数。I start with high reps and pyramid down to low reps.

古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。The Pyramid is among the seven wonders of the world.