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票数作了一次复算。A solicitation of votes or orders.

我公司对本征集活动保留最终解释权。Our company reserves right of final interpretation of this solicitation.

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阶段一的工作是邀请各投标单位递交投标资格预审文件。This announcement of solicitation of pre-qualification submissions is Part I.

开发培育及劝募的策略将紧接于后。Developing cultivation and solicitation strategies will follow closely behind.

胎儿还是保住了,但是她被控教唆他人实施谋杀。The fetus survived, but she was charged with criminal solicitation to commit murder.

本文荣获第八届全国青少年“春蕾杯”征文活动一等奖。This article won the Eighth National Youth "Spring Bud Cup" prize solicitation activities.

然而,不论是专家的选任还是专家意见的征求,都有需要改进之处。However, either the expert selection or the solicitation of expert advice needs to be improved.

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而是由于不厌其烦的教唆,而且我们经常置身于其中。Because of the smell of solicitation in the air, and because we are usually in the middle of it.

首批250所大学是通过数月的调研和向学生征稿“筛选”出来的。The first 250 schools were 'seeded,' with months of research and solicitation of student content.

首批250所大学是通过数月的调研和向学生征稿“筛选”出来的。The first 250 schools were 'seeded, ' with months of research and solicitation of student content.

此次招聘很快就引发了网络论坛数百条评论,其中也不乏批评的声音。The solicitation quickly drew hundreds of comments on Internet chat boards, some less than complimentary.

从预选信用卡发卡机构的邮件或电话名单上除名。有效期5年。To remove name from mail and telephone solicitation for preselected credit card offers. Lasts for 5 years.

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发行人不得在公告公开发行募集文件前发行证券。No issuer shall issue its securities before the documents of public offering and solicitation are released.

通过资格审查并从委托方代理正式获得了本项目的征集文件。Pass the qualification check and formally get the solicitation document of the project from the client agent.

本文原载于新财富,为个人观点,并非任何劝诱或投资建议。This article was originally contained in new wealth for personal views, not to any solicitation or investment advice.

美国法律对向拥有巨额净资产的个人──假定这些人拥有充足的净资产──寻求投资有利。American law is friendly to the solicitation of high-net-worth individuals, assuming they possess sufficient net worth.

他温情脉脉地看着她离去,眼光中满含着乞求般的恋恋不舍。如此青春的美色,比醇酒更令他沉醉入迷。He watched her walk from him with tender solicitation. Such youth and prettiness reacted upon him more subtly than wine.

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公募基金会按照募捐的地域范围,分为全国性公募基金会和地方性公募基金会。Public funds include, in accordance with the scope of solicitation region, national public funds and local public funds.

行车用上遥控器这都是创先争优活动以来开展‘金点子’征集活动的功劳。This is the remote control traffic to spend A Good activities undertaken since the 'golden idea' solicitation of credit.

佛罗里达州26岁的达莉亚南,被指控犯有一级教唆谋杀罪,一位警方发言人说。Dalia Dippolito, 26, of South Florida, was charged with solicitation to commit first-degree murder, a police spokeswoman said.