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但是我不能放歌。But I cannot sing aloud.

你能朗读课文吗?Can you read the text aloud?

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“可怜的孩子,”他叨念出声来。Poor child, " he said aloud ."

“我说不上来,”他说出声来。I don't know, " he said aloud ."

现在你为何大声哭号呢。Now why dost thou cry out aloud?

我不会畏缩,也不惊叫。I have not winced nor cried aloud.

那三个老流氓哈哈大笑。The three old rascals laugh aloud.

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他朗读那篇古代事件给他儿子听。He read the story aloud to his son.

鲯鳅,“老人说出声来。Dolphin, " the old man said aloud ."

接着那小精灵似的孩子笑出了声。The elvish child then laughed aloud.

先别急着说,好好想一下。Don't say it aloud. Just take a moment.

你可以带领我们大家朗读课文吗?You may lead us to read aloud the text?

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咱们的家人常大声朗诵书。We read books aloud a lot in our family.

我还喜欢去朗读英语。Nontheless, I like reading English aloud.

朗读课文要语气连贯。The text should be read aloud coherently.

不要默读,请读出声音来。Don't read to yourself. Please read aloud.

朗读就是朗声读书,是一种出声的阅读方式。Reading aloud is a phonatory reading form.

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接下来大声朗读,并且录音。Next, read them aloud and tape-record them.

我们应该每天早晨朗读英文。We should read English aloud every morning.

在星辉斑斓里放歌。And sing aloud in the splendor of starlight.