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观察你附近的区域是否有基督教青年会。See if your area has a YMCA.

我在基督教青年会教小朋友。I work at the YMCA with kids.

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我开始对基督教青年会的工作产生兴趣了。I began to get interested in YMCA work.

维斯在基督教青年会学游泳的时候我想到了中国。I think about China during Wes's swimming lessons at the YMCA.

首次父亲节的庆祝活动获得基督教青年会及当地教会的支持。The first celebration got support from the YMCA and local churches.

每到周五晚上,当地人都会在基督教青年会的健身房举行舞会。On Friday nights there was always a dance in the gym of the local YMCA.

当地媒体称赞博伊尔情急而生的神技,基督教青年会为此给他颁奖,报业和电视台都采访了他。The local media celebrated Boyle's feat of compassion. The YMCA gave him an award.

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我住进了尖沙嘴梳士巴利道的基督教青年会旧址,在半岛酒店旁边。I checked into the old YMCA on Salisbury Road in Tsimshatsui, next to the Peninsula Hotel.

他们将所有从迷宫经营获取的利润都捐给诸如基督教青年和海军陆战队这一类的机构。They donate all the profits from the maze to organizations like the YMCA and the Marine Corps.

纵观Jeremy的童年,耶明会带他去基督教青年会后,他做完作业。Throughout Jeremy's childhood, Gie-Ming would take him to the YMCA after he finished his homework.

如果不会,那么去上一些课,加入一个YMCA或专门的游泳队,并学会爬泳或自由泳。If not, take some lessons, join a YMCA or a masters swimming team and learn the crawl or freestyle.

每天早上散步过后我会去基督教青年会的游泳馆,把我编织的东西送给在更衣室认识的人。Then there are the women in the locker room at the YMCA where I swim nearly every morning after the walk.

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资深广东话及日文老师,具备13年的教学经验,曾先后任教于青年会及其他语言学院。Susanna has 13 years of experience in teaching Cantonese & Japanese in YMCA and other language institutes.

在家里,清真寺内,他拥有宗教生活,有社会生活,比如在基督教青年会,打篮球,等等,他拥有社会生活。A faith life at home, in the mosque, and a public life in school and in the YMCA and in playing basketball, etc.

他们住在预备大楼里,那里看起来更像是基督教青年会,跟“星际旅行”扯不上关系。They live in cramped dormitories in the Prophylactory Building, or Prophy, which looks more YMCA than Star Trek.

翻翻社区报纸,查查本地信息板,到基督教青年会和社区中心,看看有没有免费或便宜的舞蹈课程。Check community papers, local message boards, the YMCA and community centers for free or inexpensive dance lessons.

伍锐贤主席、陈玉驹前主席、中华总商会雷光达会长等出席华埠青年会新址开幕仪式。President Eric Ng, former President York Chan and Mr. David Louie attended the opening reception of Chinatown YMCA.

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他投笔从戎之际大约以为战争是基督教青年会所组织的九龙远足旅行。When he relinquished his pen for the sword, he must have thought fighting would be a bit of a YMCA outing to Kowloon.

林书豪到了5岁的时候,林杰明带他到加州帕洛阿尔托当地的基督教青年会参加了儿童联赛。By the time Jeremy was 5, Gie-Ming was taking him to the local YMCA in Palo Alto, Calif., to play ball in a kids' league.

多德在斯波坎举行的第一次重大的父亲节的庆祝活动,1910在华盛顿的斯波坎基督教青年会的中心举行。Dodd held the first significant Father's Day celebration in Spokane, Washington in 1910, held at the Spokane YMCA center.