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本文介绍卫星通信VSAT技术。The paper introduces VSAT technique in satellite communication.

该平台为卫星设备检测维修提供了一种新的方法。The design recommends a new method to the VSAT equipment test for servicing.

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介绍了低成本VSAT的射频功率放大链的设计和研制情况。The designing and realizing of the VSAT RF power amplification chain are presented.

多址协议是VSAT卫星通信网的关键技术之一。The multiple access protocol is one of the key technologies of VSAT satellite communication network.

随着VSAT网络的快速发展,VSAT远端小站的数量也越来越多。With the rapid development of VSAT networks, the number of VSAT terminal stations is also increasing.

文中首先对现代远程教育的目标和VSAT卫星数据广播技术做了简要介绍。At first, the brief introduction to the goals of modern distance education and the basic principle of VSAT technology.

分析了在通信系统中对通信危害较大的频率漂移问题的产生原因。In this paper, we analyze the cause of generating frequency drift that has more harm to the VSAT communication system.

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针对各种不同的信息传输需求,提出了不同的VSAT网络组网建设方案及建议。Contrapose various demand of information, we table a proposals of different VSAT network construction precept and suggestion.

它是第一艘装有VSAT卫星通讯系统的船只,这使得学员们可以在世界的任何一个地方上网。It is the first ship to have VSAT satellite system installed. It provides the students with the Internet in any part of the world.

详细阐述了VSAT卫星通信系统的优势以及在消防工作中的应用。The ideas which are used to solve the communication problems by the use of the Satellite Communication VSAT System are brought out.

作为卫星通信领域的一个分支,在通信个人化的意义上,VSAT通信系统是一大突破,其应用也越来越广泛。As a branch of satcom domain, VSAT is a great breakthrough in the sense of personal communication, and its application is more and more broad.

阐述了利用卫星信标和高增益标准喇叭天线,测量手动VSAT站天线接收增益的方法。A method of measuring manual VSAT receiving antenna gain by using the satellite beacon and high gain standard horn antenna is described in this paper.

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许多亚洲电信用户使用的服务,如公共电话网络,私营甚小孔径终端网络和宽带多媒体服务。Many telecommunications customers use AsiaSat for services such as public telephone networks, private VSAT networks and broadband multimedia services.

通过对最新QOS管理技术的研究,找出适合联通VSAT卫星宽带平台的QOS管理模式。Based on the latest QoS management technology research, we find out a suitable QOS management mode in the VSAT satellite broadband platform for China Unicom.

VSAT通信网是我军各战区、野战分队、海岛、边远山区、沙漠实现通信互连的主要手段,是军事信息综合网重要组成部分。VSAT networks, as one of the important parts of integrated military information networks, can supply successful interconnection for various military units on islands or in desert.

文章提出一种新的改进隔离型随机N叉树形冲突分解算法,对VSAT随机接入多址接入系统中冲突分解进行了研究。In this paper, a new random N-ary tree collision resolution algorithm of improved isolation type is used to analyze the packet collision resolution in VSAT random multiple access system.

此露天煤矿地域偏远,当地没有电信公司可提供接入服务,因此,拟设建立VSAT小型地面站。The open pit is located in remote regions, and there is no local telecommunications company who can provide access to services, therefore, it is proposed to establish a small VSAT ground stations.