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杜洛克的体况在产仔时更容易掉膘。Duroc are more likely to be over conditioned at farrowing time.

将杜洛克猪血液导入甘肃黑猪后能使其发生染色体遗传变异。The variation of chromosomes of Gansu Black pig was caused by infusion of Duroc blood.

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是以外三元苗猪为主,并有杜洛克、杜长大、大约克、长白山等苗猪。Are mainly outside the ternary and Duroc , Duroc , Yorkshire, Changbai Mountain, etc. í.

桃园与杜洛克猪正反杂交母猪级进杜洛克种猪的繁殖与生长性能。Yen, and C. H. Su. 1990. Breed comparisons in performance of Taoyuan, Duroc and crossbreds of pigs.

但使他吃惊的却是,就在当天他就从久罗克那里收到皇帝的宴会邀请书。But to his surprise Balashov received through Duroc an invitation to dine that day at the Emperor's table.

有个男孩像只小蟹一样俯下身子,挪来挪去,熟练的驱赶着他的小猪和黑色杜洛克牛。The lad moved like a crab in his attentive crouch while smoothly guiding his young pink and black Duroc. The judge, a Ph.

但在20日龄窝仔数和窝重性状上,杂种公猪优于纯种公猪。However, for litter size and litter weight at the age of 20d, crossbred Duroc mated groups appeared superior to pure ones.

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1985年,对正阳种猪场从国外引进的杜洛克猪群中出现以仔猪“急死”为特征的疾病,进行了一系列调查研究。A survey was made on a disease characterized by "Sudden death" of imported Duroc piglets at Zheng Yang Pig Farm from 1984 to 1985.

仅在大白猪、长白猪,杜洛克和杂种猪中发现多态性位点,而在民猪和野猪中未发现。Polymorphic sites were found only in Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc and their hybrids, but that were not found in Mm pig and wild pig.

选用临产前一个月的第2胎纯种杜洛克母猪17头,研究赖氨酸铁和甘氨酸铁作为母、仔猪日粮铁源添加剂对仔猪生长发育的影响。The regulatory effects of different FAACs in sow and piglet rations were evaluated in this study with 17 pure Duroc sows, 1 month before the 2nd parturition.

饲喂绿叶功能预混料的苏太猪氨基酸总量和苏太猪对照组、杜长大组相比均有显著提高。In comparison with both the control group of Sutai pigs and Duroc pigs, total content of amino acids of Sutai pigs that are fed the Luye functional premixed feed significantly increased.

最近一个跨国生物学家团队发布第一分猪基因体定序图谱初稿,也就是红色毛的杜洛克猪的完整基因指令。Recently, an international team of biologists released the first draft sequence of the pig genome, the complete set of genetic instructions for making the ruddy-furred Duroc breed of Sus scrofus.