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这所房子是建造学地成绩。The house is an architectural triumph.

作为基本体系结构单元的主题The topic as the basic architectural unit

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已经是一座宏大的仿宋建筑群。Imitation of the Song architectural style.

还有两名学建筑的学生。There are also two architectural students.

上海联创建筑设计有限公司。Shanghai udg architectural design Co. , Ltd.

最引人注目的还是房屋的千篇一律。Most striking is the architectural uniformity.

这种建筑风格让我感到很压抑。This kind of architectural style depresses me.

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随函附上我们的建筑图鉴。I enclosed herewith the architectural drawings.

一条构架描述提供理由。An architectural description provides rationale.

教堂是仙马最富丽的建筑。The church is a horse of architectural immortal.

什么是体系架构的生命期?What is the duration of architectural life span?

一位朋友给他的建筑设计公司起名AMDG。A friend named his architectural firm A. M. D. G.

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上海易思豪建筑科技有限公司。Shanghai ESIH Architectural Technology Co. , Ltd.

变化成建筑造型,点名主题。Changes into the architectural style, named theme.

牟氏庄园建筑文化博大精深。Mou's manor architectural culture broad and profound.

每个地铁站都有一种独立的建筑风格。Each station offers an individual architectural style.

车库往往是建筑后期才会考虑的事情。Parking garages are often architectural afterthoughts.

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深层挖掘来揭示体系架构的不一致性Digging deeper to reveal an architectural inconsistency

以下几点用于评估这个架构层。The following points evaluate this architectural layer.

这在建筑细部的绘制曙光。This precise drawing glimmers in the architectural detail.