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没有你,我感到无助。I feel helpless without you.

他中风之后成了废人。The stroke left him a helpless.

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因为现在她简直是绝望了。Because now she's also helpless.

象梦一般地凄婉迷茫。Dismal and helpless like a dream.

铁山无奈苦笑。Iron mountain helpless wry smile.

而刑法规定的重婚罪却对此无能为力。But the crime of bigamy is helpless.

还是仅仅觉得被动和无助?Or do you feel passive and helpless?

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人们从奈何桥上匆匆走过。People from a helpless on the bridge.

他患中风之后成了不能自理的废人。The stroke left him a helpless wreck.

暗夜里,不能拥你入眠。And in the night, I could be helpless.

你原以为没有你我会变得很无助。Though that I'd be helpless without U.

他对这个茕茕孑立的孩子动了怜悯之心。He has sympathy for the helpless child.

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我像一只笼中之鸟那样地无助。Helpless as a bird imprisoned in a cage.

这龙骑兵大个儿象婴儿似的毫无办法。The big dragoon was as helpless as a baby.

向来缘浅,奈何情深。Always margin of shallow, helpless feeling.

习惯势力限制了她并使她孤立无援。Custom hedged her in and made her helpless.

习俗束缚了他,使他无法可施。Custom hedged him in and made him helpless.

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他怒不可遏地颤声表示反对。He bleated his objections in a helpless rage.

供热公司如此下血本,实在是无奈啊。Heating bill, so the company is helpless now.

她从心底发出一声无可奈何的喟叹。She heaved a helpless sigh of disappointment.