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一直在放着锚链。The anchor chain was spooling off.

第三现场表演的过程中缓冲。The third scene shows the process of spooling.

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在打印列队中当前有多少个后台打印作业。Current number of spooling jobs in a print queue.

作业假脱机就可以提供这种解决方案。This is where job spooling can provide a solution.

自从上次重新启动后,在打印列队中后台打印作业的最大量。Maximum number of spooling jobs in a print queue since last restart.

也可以在一个会话中的任何时间点关闭假脱机功能,如下所示。Spooling can also be turned off at any point in a session, as shown below.

因本机不用V型皮带,克服了因皮带磨擦而掉落的料屑污染、皮带缠线等问题。The absence of V-belt avoids the ends since belt abrasion and spooling etc.

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一个商业的电缆铺设船刚刚结束后台打印出900公里的光纤电缆。A commercial cable-laying ship has just finished spooling out 900 kilometers of fiber optic cable.

从历史上看,一个小型的剩余润滑的电线被要求协助后台进程。Historically, a small residual lubrication on the wire was required to assist in the spooling process.

通过对该控制方法的分析和试验表明,该方法能有效提高线团复绕设备的绕制性能。The technique can improve spooling performance of the wire spooling device validly by analyzing the control technique and the test.

在有多个作业队列的系统上,对连续作业处理进行假脱机要求把所有作业转发到同一个作业队列设备。Spooling sequential job processes on a system with multiple job queues requires that all jobs be directed to a single job queue device.

比如说,这种显微镜能够捕捉到细胞分化过程中染色体的缠绕以及醋酸处理后子宫颈癌细胞的收缩过程。It can, for example, capture chromosomes spooling during cell division or a cervical cancer cell shriveling up when treated with acetic acid.

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整齐平滑和牢固的底缠绕层对于良好的缠绕是必需的,缠绕良好可使卷筒保持最大的容量而不损坏管柱。A neat and secure bed wrap is necessary for proper spooling that will allow the drum to hold the maximum capacity without damaging the string.

这是确定挠性管柱工作范围的重要因素,因为挠性管的缠绕趋向于产生某个椭圆度。This is an important factor in determining the operating limits of coiled tubing strings since the action of spooling the string tends to induce some ovality.

可以根据需要在作业队列中添加任意数量的队列设备,从而高效地利用系统资源,同时维持可控的假脱机环境。As many queue devices can be added to the job queue as needed to efficiently utilize the system resources, while maintaining a controlled spooling environment.

例如,当用户从网络上的工作站打印一个文件时,工作站是客户机,用作假脱机打印的机器是服务器。For example, when you print a document from your workstation on a network, the workstation is the client and the machine that does the print spooling is the server.

通过使用上面的作业假脱机概念,系统管理员就不再需要判断每个夜间批作业对系统施加的负载。By using the above job spooling concepts, the systems administrator can be relieved of the duty of determining the load placed on the system by each overnight batch job.