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其实我妈妈祗是口头上告诉DC怎麽做这道菜。My mom told DC how to make the dish verbally.

其中一些是口头的,一些是直接写的书面的。We make some of them verbally or in writing directly.

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聆讯录音显示她亲口认罪。Tapes of the hearing showed she had verbally pleaded guilty.

在美国,大多数管理者是语言思维方式为主的左脑思考者。Most managers in America are verbally oriented left brainers.

对于当场发现的违反治安管理的人,可以口头传唤。A person discovered committing an offense may be summoned verbally.

我将没有你埋伏突袭我,也身体上地或口述地。I'm not going to have you ambushing me, either physically or verbally.

在那次面试,我被口头应聘了,赢了其他7位应聘者!!!!At that interview, I was verbally offered the job, beating 7 others!!!!

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男生的行动力都很强,他们不会用语言表达情感。Men are very action motivated, they don't express their feelings verbally.

你可以把消极的想法写下来,或者口头改述。You can do this either by writing them down or by rephrasing them verbally.

如果某人口头骚扰你,使你觉得受到威胁,那就打电话叫警察。If someone is verbally harassing you and you feel threatened, call the police.

这三个字基本也无法弥补我对你造成的语言上的伤害。I overreacted then. 'sorry' can never make up for how much verbally I hurt you.

不要对你充满火药味的回应——口头上一决雌雄的本能——顾虑太多。Don't worry so much about your fight response – that instinct to duke it out verbally.

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不要接受任何的签字费,不要签署任何协议,只是口头上接受这个offer。Don’t cash any signing bonus checks, don’t sign anything, just accept the offer verbally.

完成账目审计后,偕同所审计领域的管理人员,口头总结审计结果。Verbally review audit results with management of area audited at the completion of audit.

也就是不要订立任何口头或书面形式的协议。In other words, refrain from conveyingany type of agreement, either verbally or in writing.

能够与主管、同侪及团队成员在口头与书面上沟通无碍。Able to effectively communicate verbally and in writing to leadership, peers and team members.

优雅的女人是自信的,得体的,不论是语言上还是动作上,因此,不妨报一个表演课。Take an acting class. Graceful people are poised and confident, both verbally and nonverbally.

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之后,他们又被要求口头描述他们所写的,并且越详尽越好。They were then asked to verbally describe what they had written in as much detail as possible.

我只是一个恶语中伤前最近谁的作品在呼叫中心在罗杰斯分手。I just broke up with a verbally abusive ex recently who works at Rogers in the call centre too.

在这段十分钟的视频中,共显示四名男子受到身体和语言上的虐待。Through the 10-minute film, four men are shown being physically and verbally abused in this way.