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顽皮淘气的男宝宝有时成为仁人君子。Naughty mans at whiles do bad men.

她靠看电视来打发时间。She whiles away her time by watching TV.

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但是有的时间,它否则完全地没出国疑问把事件解决。But at whiles it is not totally the case.

莉莉有时说谎,但是毫无故意。Lily at whiles clarifys a chalkiness lie.

有时他在晚饭后去图书馆。He at whiles goes to the library ago supper.

富人有时抱怨她们空虚的生存。The rich at whiles complain their empty life.

而一轮皎月透过白雾。Whiles all the night, through fog-smoke white.

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老妇人常常看几个小时电视消磨时光。The old woman often whiles away hours by watching TV.

我有时骑自行车上学,有时步行去。Sometimes I go to educate by bike and at whiles on foot.

他喜爱弹钢琴,但有时也拉小提琴。He likes playing the piano but at whiles he plays the violin.

耶稣在16节中两次说到的“等不多时”是指什么?What are the two "little whiles" that Jesus speaks of in verse 16?

在小溪河床附近,有时能呈现三角叶杨。Close to streambeds, cottonwoods can at whiles be searched. Though.

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他不时她用双掌把它搓成小卷儿,轻轻地咽下去。He curled them between his palms at whiles and swallowed them softly.

他们大多已经开始人事重组了,有些已经在认真考虑进行人事重组。Most of them are already starting HT whiles some are thinking about it.

有时,生活的环境和状态是由你的心境营造的。At whiles , your moods is in charge of the living environment or the living status.

索耶男士通常在晚上读报纸,但是有时间他和他的太太一起看电视。Sawyer applying reads his newspaper, but at whiles he and his wife watch television.

而且我期望有唯一能理解我有时需求独自外宿不归的老婆。And I require a wife who knowingings those at whiles I command a night out by myself.

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很少能发现这样一部电影、读到这样一本书,还原了你对自我的信仰。Once in the greatest of whiles you find a movie & read a book that restores your faith in yourself.

一些政治团体,不顾秋天的寒意,一遍唱着歌跳着舞,一面向我派发传单。Political groups hand me flyers, whiles performing teams sing and dance despite the chill in the air.

喜欢旅行、回忆往事和各种消遣娱乐活动。Likes travelling, the recollection past events and each kind whiles away the time the recreational activity.