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别跟我耍滑头!Don't fuck with me!

去他妈的诅咒!Fuck damnations, man!

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我操…还不像干活的呢?Fuck. I do like that.

这个该死的达德是谁?Who the fuck is Dodd?

她真是一个美丽的尤物。She is a terrific fuck.

你真是一个狗生的,他妈的。You are a dog raw, fuck.

不,你他妈的快滚出去!No, you get the fuck out!

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这个我他妈的一点也不知道。I know fuck -all about it.

混蛋,你敢背叛我们!You betrayed us, you fuck.

他妈的这是在干什么?What the fuck was he doing?

人都有栽跟头的时候,这就是生活。People fuck up. That's life.

交配之后,他们都死了。They all die after they fuck.

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这次别他妈的砸锅了!Try not to fuck up this time!

我能很好地操作电脑。I can fuck do P. C. very well.

这到底是什么,查格丝?What the fuck is this, Chugs ?

做我最想做的,其他都是扯蛋。Do what my love, fuck the rest.

法兰西,纳粹德国的邻居。Fuck France, Neighbor of Nazies.

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操你的逼,来咬我啊。Fuck you asshole, yeah, bite me.

操你妈!你想干什么?Fuck you! What are you gonna do?

我会说“操你”,去做得更好。I go "Fuck you", just do better.